Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

This Dec 31st

I think PM did the right thing, calling off the new year celebration (fire works and concerts).

Reported donations to the victims are reaching RM 1 million. I wonder how soon this money will reach the needy, does anyone know how donations get distributed to them? Through the government or through welfare agencies?

My gig will go on in the club...though it will be a little strange that Dataran will still probably be swamped with people in festive mood, with no big TV screen and screaming artists. Too bad for `The Singing Shop', one of the lined-up entertainment for Dataran Merdeka concert....alongside Jacqueline Victor, Adflin Sauki and Zainal Abidin.

On other front, a funny thing happened yesterday. I tried on these pair of silicone/nude bra thingy I bought from Sungai Wang...thinking they will give me and my Zara gown a little sexy enhancement. Putting them on is a bitch because you have to fit an extension of boob-like thing to your body and make it stay, and look like it's part of you. `Nuf said, but the funny thing is - after they stuck to me and I put the gown on, and started zipping up....I tried but I couldn't zip up, the zip worked all the way up and stop at my chest, it wouldn't zip there.

What? Now that I'm a B cup with those freaking boobs the dress wouldn't fit? Yes, the gown is too small for my `new boobs'.

What the hell?

Also, I notice I bought a size C-cup boobs....damn that girl, she told me they were all `free-size'.

So much for looking nice, I suppose I'd look nice enough without those gel, it's very low the dress is reeeally fitting.

I cleaned the boobs and left them to dry...don't think I'll attempt using them again...small boobs could be sexy too right?


Wednesday, December 29, 2004

My Favourite Things

A sure remedy for year-end depression, read Baine's Things To Be Happy About

Here's my list.

A good movie on a Friday night
An evening free from appointments
Sun sets
An email from a friend from overseas
A smile from a stranger in the lift
Salary in the bank
Lays chips
The perfect pasta
Got home just in time for my favourite show
Hit the bed before midnight
Watching cats
Buying a book
Warm chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream
When they play Girls Just Wanna Have Fun on the radio
Goofing around with a friendly dog
Collecting photo prints from the shop
The perfect Ceasar salad
Holding the one you love who loves you back
A walk along Masjid Jamek river
Buying gifts
Shopping in the flea markets
Empty car park slots at 1am
Public holidays

What's on your list? Let's hear it.


Monday, December 27, 2004

The Year That Be

You want to be Evelyn Toh now. You want to be her, really. This is one great year for her, my friend. (1) First runner at the district level art song singing competition in August, (2) Champion at the Malaysia-Singapore Art Song Singing Competition in the week after, and now -- (3) Overall champion at the Malaysia Art Song Singing Competition -- National Finals.

Although I too wish I were Evelyn Toh today...I know I can't complain about my year. So many great things going for me, they are great by my standard...

I got my driving license and a car, first time in my life. I'm independent, finally.

I moved out and got more out of it.

The singing front has been totally unbelievably happening for me this year -- got a role in an operetta, got into the district level top four placing; tried out at the Malaysia-Singapore Championship audition; I had my first vocal recital; I did my first voice exam and got distinction; I tried out at every single audition in town this year and completed the highly challenging PGL audition; got my first paying corporate gig and going for my second this week; had my first taste of the national finals...I did I'm proud that I put in effort in the list of activities.

However, the year to come, these months ahead of me, I know I will have to work even harder to go as far as my singing can take me.

Justin said the results of my National Finals were not really about my performance on that morning -- the results that morning simply reflect on my day-to-day, week-to-week practice.

I maybe be good, but it's obvious now that I just wasn't good enough for the Final round last weekend, in that particular line up of sopranos. I realized the hours I put in for THIS competition was no match to the hours I put in for my exam. Time and time again it has been proven that lots and lots of practice will show in my log in the hours and you will be rewarded, it might not be reward in a placing or a trophy but people will tell you that you did well.

More practice, more practice....and maybe a slightly different repertoire.

That's on singing. Other things I could do with some improvement is saving money...and create my styling profile.


Friday, December 24, 2004


Friday, Christmas eve. Half the offices in town will close by round 4pm. Some will close at noon, some at 3pm, the less fortunate ones at 6pm or 5.30pm.

Employees will roam around aimlessly, not in the mood to work. Partly because half the town are on holiday already. Christmas is a public holiday for me, too bad this year it falls on a Saturday, I already don't work on Saturdays.

Feeling productive this morning, I got some work back from lunch I can't wait for 4pm, I have my hands full at 4pm, now I can't focus. I need to get some shampoo, get car key duplicated, check the coolen water, and load my car with suitcase and dresses.

Right now I can't find my heart in anything except flipping through my latest Harper's Bazaar and Australian Vogue, bought during lunch break. Oh speaking of fashion, my latest addition to my wardrobe is this knee length, fully-sequined pale purple skirt, given to me last night by my ex-land lady...her cousin gave her that along with a bag of old clothes.

It's beautiful. It's so new, and sexy. I decided that it is too sexy to be worn just as a skirt, it can be worn as a mini dress pair with a bra top, or a tunic with jeans or mini skirt.


Tonight I will be transported into the JB to be exact, and in 18 hours I will be at the competition, contestant no. 8.


Thursday, December 23, 2004

Everyone Loves Me

"Eh, you got distinction ah, ok?" my teacher is on the line.

"Really? You got black and white?" me, freaked out.

"No, not yet but I know you passed with distinction."

"That's good, me happy, THANK YOU!" wow.

"OK, bye-bye bye-bye." the way many Chinese say goodbye on the phone.

Yay, finally it paid off.

I passed with distinction in my Performer's Certificate by Trinity College London.
Cris n Sook Siah also passed!!!!

Thank you for ALL your support and encouragement, thank you Harold Jones (the examiner)!!!



Happy. Let's party!

"Life rewards actions."


Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Merry Christmas, where is my present?

Audi did it again, read Happy Birthday Jesus.

I love this one: (by Audi)

Guy: Merry Christmas.
Me: I'm not Christian.
Guy: You's sad. What happened to the spirit of Christmas? Christmas has become so commercial.
Me: I don't know. I'm not Christian.

*** ****

Guy: Merry Christmas.
Me: I'm not Christian.
Guy: I have a present for you.
Me: Thanks. It's also Hanukkah. I'm not Jewish but do I get a present for Hanukkah too?
Guy: Err...OK. Here's your present. Happy Hanukkah.
Me: Thanks. It's also Kwanza. Do I get a present for Kwanza?
Guy: Err...I think you are missing the point here. You not getting the spirit of Christmas.
Me: Maybe because I am not Christian.
Guy: Then I want my presents back.
Me: Go away.

I know some of us buy gifts for close friends for the fun of it during Christmas season but I also know some girlfriends (yes, it's usually a phenomena among women only) who would feel obliged to buy presents for cousins, nieces, uncles, boyfriends' nieces and cousins, grand-uncle, aunties...etc, basically I think Christmas in Malaysia is more of a celebration of presents/gifts more than anything else. How did we get here?

I have nothing against having a public holiday and lots of fun parties with friends on Christmas but seeing people getting pressured into spending a month's salary buying gifts for the whole village seem so unnecessary.

That's why I absolutely adore the painted glass Z gave me, and the `home-made' Ella CD Cris gave me. In exchange I gave out a box of trinkets from my own collection for the girls. Pretty painless.

For the lot of you out there with more money to burn, happy shopping, you have two more days!




Yesterday started out pretty ok. I got to the gate of PJ State's Registration Office around 5:45am, befriended three young and nice Malay blokes....I shared my cream crackers and cheese with them. We were the first four to arrive.

At approx 6:30am the guard unlocked the gates and all hell broke loose. I did a 500 metre sprint with my fellow MyKad applicants to the first floor office doorway. I became no 12 in line. When doors actually opened at 7:35am, I elbowed those who cut into my queue (which is everyone) and I became no 41 in line. I actually chided this middle aged Indian woman who didn't seem to understand any of my Malay. She looked so helpless and uncivilized (she CUT my queue!!!) I felt bad after shuffling her back to where she didn't belong --- right behind me! She was suppose to be at least ten persons behind me....still, I didn't have to be the bad-ass me but I did...I could really do with more sympathy. It was an action without thinking, my fault.

It was all done by 9:30am. I walked out of the place, relieved and definitely stoned.

The rest of the day was somehow focused round the fact that I can't wobble the way Saidah wanted us to, at the M Opera workshop. I took that home and my singing practice didn't go too well, I suspect it's due to stress and lack of practice from last week.

Then my dry-cleaner did me in, finally. I needed my dresses back for my JB competition. The nice guy at the place said he would call me when they get the dresses back from their `supplier' who does the actual dry cleaning. At 8:00pm I was late for the double-bill birthday party, I called up Nice Guy and he told me he was driving to Sungai Buloh (yes you read right, it's Sungai Buloh) to collect my dresses on his own expense, because the delivery guy left my dresses in Sungai Buloh -- also where they do dry cleaning (for a shop in Kelana Jaya!).

Nice Guy said he would be back in my apartments in 45 minutes...he apologized. This laundry shop in my apartment opens everyday (except Wednesdays) after I leave for work, and closes before I usually get back. If I didn't my dresses back, that means I will have to wait till Friday, the day I leave for JB...because they are closed today and I will be out the whole of Thursday.

I couldn't believe I was so upset I cried over those damn dresses. It shocked me how little it took to stress me out. Then Nice Guy called round 8:55pm and told me he was back with my dresses.

BTW the dry cleaning is RM40 in total...include tears.

I dressed up and went to the party at 9:10pm, devians/girls/the-gang thought I fell asleep at home. I had great fun there, had tempeh, Lee Hing rice wine, choc cake and almond cake. I got a painted glass from Z n Erin, with muesli in it; a CD from Cris - Ella Fitzgerald...there was this little gift session. We also watched Sex n The City -- The Farewell and Rowan Atkinson's early days recording of his live shows, brilliant, fucking brilliant.

I promised myself, today will be a better day...emotionally. I will get into the `flow' or `the zone' and I will do just fine this weekend. Tonight I will have a good practice and tomorrow I will see my pianist and it will be a fucking brilliant rehearsal.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Word of the day, Wobblyssimo. Founder: Edwin Sumun

Edwin named the wobbly thingy we were told to do at M Opera workshop that...after going the other terms, fortessimo, mezzo-piano, pianissimo..etc.

I have a little problem creating this vocal effect, wobbling, fluttering, whatever you call it. Saidah said mine production of wobbliness is too pretty, too clean. It's actually a thrill, a fast and stridden one. Try this at home.

Workshop is fun and challenging...never boring. The working schedule next year does seem a little scary. Music memorized by April, intensive dance workshop in August and September, rehearsals starts in September right through December and in January 2006 the show will run for eight nights.

The description of the Opera is very exciting. I wouldn't attempt reproducing what Saidah described. There should be some publicity By the way, I have tremendous respect for that woman now that I have seen her in action...she and CM are two music women you gotta take your hats off to. No doubt the production sounds very ambitious and I guess it's a cool deal for me, with the workshops and all that, I will definitely grow a lot at the end of it....and at whatever sum I'm getting paid.

On another note, in arts. I finished the Puteri Gunung Ledang audition right through and through, proud of myself. It was a tall order for someone with two left feet like me. The video was rolling and I started the routine and singing fine...less than half way through I forgot my steps because I was concentrating in the singing, then when I picked up the dance again I had to stopped singing to continue dancing. Tragic.

They have to be blind to accept me into this dance-driven production...not that I'm being pessimistic (I'm happy I got call-back and went through the whole ordeal), I don' expect to get in. I learned the all-important thing again in performing arts: training helps. BB, Nic n C all look so different from most of the girls auditioning -- for they are trained dancers. C's ten years in ballet makes a huge difference...her turns, posture and walk are just more graceful or should I say, more stylo?

...though it seems my trained voice didn't seem to have made much contribution (yet) at the workshop this morning, what she wanted for the opera was flexible voice which isn't what I'm taught in my voice lesson. Bet I will be a superwoman/super-singer when she's done with me in these workshops.



Monday, December 20, 2004

I Enjoy Being A Girl

I'm all for gender equality when it comes to rights, but I'm all too happy with the special `rights' I get as a female, `lady first' at restaurant doors, a helping hand for my luggage...

I'm happy to send my car to the workshop myself but I'm glad my mechanic gives me special attention/education in machine maintenance. I'm happy to be paying for my meal but I'm glad that the waiter pulls the chair for me.


My favourite musical bombshell - Linda Low singing I Enjoy Being A Girl

I'm a girl, and by me that's only great!
I am proud that my silhouette is curvy,
That I walk with a sweet and girlish gait
With my hips kind of swivelly and swervy.

I adore being dressed in something frilly
When my date comes to get me at my place.
Out I go with my Joe or John or Billy,
Like a filly who is ready for the race!

When I have a brand new hairdo
With my eyelashes all in curl,
I float as the clouds on air do,
I enjoy being a girl!

When men say I'm cute and funny
And my teeth aren't teeth, but pearl,
I just lap it up like honey
I enjoy being a girl!

I flip when a fellow sends me flowers,
I drool over dresses made of lace,
I talk on the telephone for hours
With a pound and a half of cream upon my face!

I'm strictly a female female
And my future I hope will be
In the home of a brave and free male
Who'll enjoy being a guy having a girl... like... me.

When men say I'm sweet as candy
As around in a dance we whirl,
It goes to my head like brandy,
I enjoy being a girl!

When someone with eyes that smoulder
Says he loves ev'ry silken curl
That falls on my iv'ry shoulder,
I enjoy being a girl!

When I hear the compliment'ry whistle
That greets my bikini by the sea,
I turn and I glower and I bristle,
But I happy to know the whistle's meant for me!

I'm strictly a female female
And my future I hope will be
In the home of a brave and free male
Who'll enjoy being a guy having a girl... like... me.


The Phantom of the Opera

The phantom screwed up the sur-title projection at Carmen's opening night in KL, Istana Budaya. I heard it was quite a fuck-up, audience sat through the entire opera sung in French and dialogues in English without sur-title.

I had a great time on the Saturday night performance. The sur-titles worked fine and the dancing was great! Three and a half hours in the theatre is a little longer than usual but I guess the praises I received for my fabulous dress I wore that night make that well-worth it, haha.

Of course, now I know to never wear a tight-high stocking without a garter-belt. My new fishnet stocking failed to stay tight so I threw them out before walking into the theatre.

Love the costumes on the cast.
Love the sets, it moves!!!!
Love the singing, the acting could be better...Mercedes and Remanando were good though.
Love the music.

Still think the chorus will do a lot better with more feisty chicks in it...KL is no lack of such females.

Read more about audience comments and reviews on the show in Kakiseni.

Other highlights of the opera:

Sur-title booboo....

Cigarette girls to another group of girls (sung in French):

English sur-title: "You cat! You are just jealous!"
Malay Sur-title: "Awak kucing! Awak cemburu!"



Friday, December 17, 2004

The Need to Dance

Haha, I was at the Puteri Gunung Ledang (musical) call-back meeting/brief last night and I felt like a fake!!!

Choreographer (you'll love him, he is such a joy to watch) gave us girls a one-minute and ten seconds dance routine. I couldn't even get the right moves for even the first eight counts...feeling kinda thick the whole evening, I decided that it's lack of practice. I can't pick up choreography as fast as Goddess who was there with me, and other girls because I hardly ever have to learn a dance routine so quickly.

Or am I just thick??

There's a song to sing too, in BM. Malaysia's very own Simon Cowell, Roslan Aziz `coached' us on the piece, we have to memorize the lyrics...

"Nyanyi macam perempuan! Think feminine...lemah lembut. Balik rumah hafal lagu ni." he said.

Later at Chillis after the work-out, the girls recommended Contemporary Dance class for me, Z has offered to sign up with me, from JANUARY!!! Where do I find the time to do that? I haven't done any laundry for weeks!!!!

"You have to MAKE TIME for the class if you want it." Says C.

I guess I have to if I want more confidence in my next dance audition. It would be such a waste if I suck at dance, since I already look like a dancer (not Latin dancer look la, think short, skinny flat-chested ballerina).

Anyone know which PJ dance school offers Contemporary dance?


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Rhapsody of Blogs n Links

You HAVE to read this:

KL Konfidential

My favourite blog, I will not elaborate why this blogger (a woman, I believe) is just simply, fucking brilliant, you just have to check it out and find out, ok? Oh, don't forget to read her earlier entries, back in January 2004.

My other favourite blogs:
(I know I know, some of these links are already in this site on the side panel but I just thought I remind you)

Goddess is single, can sing like Anita Baker (ask her to sing FEVER!), aspiring film maker/photographer(?), she is witty (in everything, facial expressions, animal-sound-making, writing, talking) and can dance! AND SHE IS LEAVING US IN KL.....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Exchequer is tall, not very single but can sing, dance AND play musical instruments!!

Nekochan is also tall, she loves Sondheim, can sing, play the piano, violin, bass (?), can conduct a choir (and me) and can tell you which makan place to go for ANY occasion.

Lisan's Blog is single, can sing, teach children songs about birds and bees and can make you go nuts in a chat room...

A MuSe Seeking Inspiration is a chirpy fella most of the time, she can sing and is my twin in classical singing, we do most singing competitions together-gether and we will be doing Rossini's Cat Duet soon!!!

Aariye is my current maestro/coach in `soul-singing'(eventhough she refuses to be associated with me in the teacher-student relationship) and she is my Billie Holiday in KL, she can play drums, sing, teach singing, teach drums, she taught me how to swim...what else has she not done??

Empress is single, honest (I like), dance fucking well (like Goddess, they are friends you see), and she looks good in a low cut dress.

GongKapas needs NO introduction.

Batdude is the AUTHOR of `the three denomination of Chinese in Malaysia', he makes music, hang out with celebrities, makes music, hang out with celebrities, and writes fucking well!

TV Smith is the father of KL Blog-scene networking, author of 'Uncle Ho Wants You'.

Anti-Poet is a VERY famous groupie, beware.

The Datin has stopped writing since September....sob.

Before I know about blogging, this is where I go for decent writing and commentary style stories: BigBigPlanet

My other daily/weekly indulgence (can't tell you much about them because I haven't met some of them!!!)

Black Paper Silver Ink
Welcome to
Volume of Interactions
MdMafia and Her Musings
Baine's World
Brain ooze From THEONE
Narcissism Is Necessary
Kampung Kayell


Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Mutating Blog

I see this site is slowly turning into a fashion blog. It's probably my second love after singing.

I have had some good advice from some of you on how not to spend like how I do...thank you. I used to spend just as much on books and CDs till recent years. I buy about 20 books in a year, but now it's probably less than 10 a year. Especially since I have access to SM n Justin's collection, I have a loooong way to catch up.

Bought this from flea market on Sunday though:

Successfully Sing1e - Successfully Yourself
[Yvonne Allen] copyright 1987

RM 5, will tell you after I read if it's any good.

On other fashion-related affairs, work annual dinner is coming up, this Friday. Theme: Arabian night. We'll see how many actually bother to dress up. The girls talked about it for a few weeks and now nearing to the dinner everyone has kind of given up and all plan to wear some plain non-Arabic-inspired dress/suits/whatever.

Me too thought I would just go in a black dress. That worn-only-once RM 50 Cats Whiskers dress is the chosen one. It's knee length, I love it because the entire upper dress body is only the two `straps' you use to tie behind your neck, think LOW neck line (all the way to stomach) and LOW back (just above my ass).

I like. It's like slutty but low-key slut because it's knee length and you could adjust the height of your neck line...depending on your mood.

Team this dress with my black belly dancing belt/sash is my Arabian Night costume with a Marilyn Monroe twist, and perhaps a head-piece, voila, costume.

I'm a real slut when it comes to fashion. The things I do for fashion (read: FASHION, not TRENDS). I'm the perfect fashion person you want to hire if your magazine is looking for one. I'm all for it.

Oh ya, speaking of magazines. I think it's high time I do this:

WANTED: VOLUNTEER Fashion Models (Fashion -- Your Wardrobe)

The deal:
I will go through your existing wardrobe and pick a few pieces for the shot. You will be the model for these pieces, of course. NO fees involved, NO payment (volunteer). You will get the photograph of yourself, no cost to you.

Condition: You have to trust your stylist - me, to wear what I advise you to.

Project Commence Date: Jan 2005

Contact person: Janet
Please provide:

1. Contact details (Name, email, phone numbers)
2. House address
3. Brief description of your everyday style, your favourite look (if any)

Think if this as a fun community project, at the moment this project is only open to females. So if you are game for a free styling session, let me know!



Monday, December 13, 2004

Somebody stop me from spending!!!!

WANTED: Training programs for controlling obsessive compulsive spending behaviour

Client: Me, now broke shopoholic

Criminal record (past ten days):

Zara Woman gown - RM 349.00
Belly dancing belt - RM 63.00
Body Shop Brush-On-Bronze powder - RM 75.00
Vincci pumps - RM 59.90
Fishnet Stocking - RM 8.00
Opera - RM 204.00
Theatre - RM 102
Accessories - RM 88 (hair accessories, sequins, beads, embroidery for dresses)
Magazines - RM 50



Friday, December 10, 2004

Sweet Young Thing

When do I cease to be a sweet young thing?

I'm 27 and will be 28 in a few I still a sweet young thing (SYT)? Is SYT a term used in relativity? That you are still a SYT if you are in the company of elder people?

I asked my colleague WP who is also 27. She said WE are no longer SYTs, we are not that young anymore.

Ok I agree. I guess I like being 27, it's silly because no one can stay at 27 for over 12 months. I like being 27 because 27 to me is just right, nice. You are not too young and you won't be passed over as a silly young chick who have too little life experience to earn respect from those elder ones. Yet at 27 you are still young enough to be considered a young and dynamic person (yes, all these speaking in the context of a 27-year-old female).

A lot of high achievers are considered high achievers when they are 27. How old is Siti Nurhaliza? Alicia Keys? Ok maybe they are younger but when they turn 27 in one or two years' time, they will be great stuff and they are 27!

I certainly don't feel as vulnerable as before, when I was 21, 22. I remember I dated a lot back then. I remember how guys used to tell me my heart was `not opened' and that I was fidgeting a lot when on a date. I remember feeling nervous and was shy to tell people what I didn't know, I remember being the one ogling at the taller and more beautiful women next to me.

I'm so glad I'm older now...not that much older that I can't remember those feelings, just older enough to be grateful and am ready to continue my journey.

I hope to make my 27 - 60 plus my peak years. I will wear nice stylish clothes regardless of my age, I will laugh wildly regardless of my age, I will drool over nice food regardless of my age, I will be sincere with people regardless of the cynicism that might grow with time...

I will be older, and hopefully still sweet.


Am I Gross or what?

ok, I tell you what happened just now when I was hungry and you tell me whether I'm gross or not, ok?

Hungry from my light lunch, I seized the pantry and found my last pack of CINTAN mee. Popped the content into a bowl and realized that the other end of the pack has opened. Fine, poured hot water into bowl and then I stopped, one ant crawled out of the hot soup....then another, third one came out when I got rid of the first two.

The hardworking species got to my food before I did.

I didn't care, I was hungry and I wanted my CINTAN mee. I took a tissue paper and waited for more casualties running away from the hot soup, I held the tissue paper close to the ants scrambling about the noodles half soaked in the hot water, they climbed onto the paper and I fling them to safety.

I rescued about four ants. I waited some more, no more ants...maybe they didn't manage the water...

Popped the bowl into the microwave.

Two minutes later I had my Semut-CINTAN mee, while eating I avoided the three real casualties in the soup. Gee, I hope they go to heaven.

Is that gross or what?

Nice, I'm not hungry anymore. Seven ants saved, three died in human-inflicted disaster.

That's all for now.

Am I gross or what?


Teacher and Agel

I owe you, Z.

Justin, thank you for ALL THE TROUBLE. Can you believe it? He took the trouble to stay up with us till 2.30am to finish the two rolls of films, got up the next day and send the films to town for developing, then waited there till the photos are ready, AND sent them to me in the office. You're an angel.

The photos are LOVELY. Will fix the bug and post one shot here soon....we look too good to be left unpublished.

Went back to Z's last night for a session on rhythms and stuff. It was a fun session for me, a bit scary to have to improvise on the spot but still, a ground-breaking experience for me.

"Don't worry about the effect now, just focus on EFFORT for now. If you don't start improvising now, today, you're never starting. Start now." Z.

We listened to funk, R & B (now I know what classifies a certain style of singing R & B), blues, jazz, swing, pop, classical, Celtic, country, metal, rock...she explained the rhythms to me by getting me to listen to the bass line in all the music and see how the vocals correspond to that.

Then we worked on a few songs, she worked on ME. I learned to snap my fingers to the rhythm of blues and swing. By the time she was done with me I could sing in time and got some ideas about improvising (you need to experiment, experiment and experiment).

...I'm getting all these free things! This weekend is pay back time, there has to be something in the mall that is nice n shiny for Z. As for Justin, hmmm....a ticket to Carmen?


Thursday, December 09, 2004

Modelling After Hours

I wish CT was in the pictures with us.

Another gig is well on the way (Dec 31!!!), no black and white yet but I think we are pretty close. They have requested for one color publicity shot. Justin came in his shining...Zepher and worked through the two rolls on Z and I (withOUT CT).

Objective: Print the rolls by tonight and pick one, scan it, send it to the gig guy.

I changed about four times during the two rolls while Z changed...none. Learned the science of `tilting your head and chin for the camera' from Z. Justin was rolling happily in the cookies jar while we girls got dressed and make up.

(CT, we better have some photos taken of the THREE of us later, for our keepsake.)

Props/background used: living hall, Z's fluffy cat, drum set, piano...

I see that this is the prelude of things to come. Z threatened to teach me drums (yay) to drum some sense of timing/rhythm into my thick head. Working with the two maestros have been a true character-building...I mean it in the most positive way girls!

Rhinocerous at the Panggung Bandaraya last night was a delightful change of scene. Our loved `Signal Master' was a bomb as Ms Daisy (The Puss, I call her).


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Fashion Update

The bohemian is creeping back to my wardrobe. I've found new love in my Indian skirts and my flower corsages.

Meanwhile, if you are reading page 48 of UK GLAMOUR, remember that you read it
here first.

Will have my first Fashion Party after new year. Interested female person please leave your comments here.

DIY Fashion Swapping Party

"Trend setting, sociable and best of all, it's FREE!"

Mission & Objective
Save your dough in clothes shopping through recycling/swapping. Foster closer ties with your female friends.

Get your girlfriends to gather items (from clothes to bags and earrings and shoes) from their wardrobe that they are bored of and meet at the hostess' house, then SWAP!! You can organize potluck on the side after you all get tired out by the impromptu catwalk and fashion consultation.

Made my solo trip to Second Charm (TTDI second hand shop) and Community Link on Saturday. Got this 70's dark blue fitting cowboy shirt from Charm, and a green velvet sari blouse, some sequins and beads for my Beatrice Looi dress. Community Link was a disappointment this round...I walked out empty handed.

Tried shopping in Bangsar Shopping Centre on Friday night, was two hours early for my YKLS concert. Most of the boutiques were obscenely decorated with Tai-taisque dresses that are too expensive for the likes of me but fortunately they are quite ugly too. Anyway the walkabout was depressing the hell out of me, the shop keepers were mainly lower class folks, who looked out of place and not in the mood for service. I told myself I'd be better off shopping on Saturday in second hand shops where I'd find better picks, and 100 times cheaper. Yes, the cowboy fitting blouse was RM 3 and the sequins at RM1.

I'm out growing the local flea market, I wish SPCA would organise more jumble sale in a year! I'm clothes hungry!



Rush Hour & Romance

I woke up at 7am, turned off the first alarm clock and slept for a little while more, thinking the mobile phone alarm will get me in a few minutes.

Wrong, I ended up getting up at 8am.

The queue to the exit of my apartment alone took ten minutes to clear, I'm just glad that the car air-conditioner is working fine. Slowly pulling out to the LDP I drove towards my office. Got stuck again nearing the destination, I suddenly recalled those many many mornings when Justin used to send me to work, every freaking morning.

Thinking back those tough mornings when he had to juggle getting ready himself and getting me to work on time, I melted right there in my car.

Here's my sincerest toast to all the boyfriends in the world who drive their girlfriends to work every morning and never complain.

I'm sure it used to be exciting for him to fetch me around in the mornings, but I'm sure it was hell after a while. I was glad as hell when I finally was able to drive myself to work, a year ago. He sacrificed his morning rest to get me to work, making the detour in heavy traffic and thick bike jacket, gloves and full-face helmet. There were numerous fights caused by the rush hour, I remember one in particular vividly.

I was so angry that he took so long in the loo that I walked out of the house and try to hail down a cab, I needed to go downtown for an assignment that morning and I was late. Walking defiantly under the morning sun, I was half hurt and half feeling guilty for causing the trouble. Then miraculously I got a cab within minutes and arrived at my appointment quite on time. Then the sweetest thing (to me anyway) happened, he called and we made good on the phone. The rest of my day was bliss.

I can never be too grateful...I was never grateful enough. That is all in the past now, I just hope to be useful to him now that I have transport. Hey J, I'm your umbrella on rainy days, just call 1800-SUNNY-BOY.

Before Justin, Kawasaki Zepher and Sunny Boy, I was living in Pandan Indah and had to commute to work via STAR LRT, then PUTRA LRT and then PUTRA shuttle. I had to wait in queue every morning to get on that bus that would take me to my office. One day I saw something that almost moved me to tears; I was watching this young Malay couple queuing in front of me, the lady had her hand bag while the man (whom I presume was her husband) was carrying her lunch bag for her. When the bus driver climbed into the bus and started the engine the queue moved slowly into the seats. The man moved out the of queue and hand the lunch box to his wifey, the wife kissed his hands and he kissed her on her forehead before he walked away.

Somehow that just moved me so deeply. I was touched by the love shown by the man, he waited with her for the bus and they just had this loving-gentle aura. I know what you see on the surface doesn't always mean the truth but I was happy to let my cynicism slipped that day.

I'm grateful for all the mornings you fetched me to work, I wish it was easier on you. I promise I won't do it to the next guy.

I'm grateful for your help in getting me to drive and eventually got my own car.

I'm grateful for having my SUNNY, it's the BEST thing I've ever had, it's given me the life I want -- going to rehearsals, theatres, singing class.

If you are stranded somewhere in a heavy down pour, just call 1800-SUNNY-BOY ok?


Monday, December 06, 2004

The Sweetest Thing

Tell me one of your sweetest memories.

One of mine is that one fine afternoon at his house over two years ago, he was serenading me with [Your Song] on his guitar. I remember feeling flattered and uneasy, not knowing how I should sit. I sat there with him singing in the patio, flustered.

Two and a half years later, many things happened, came and gone. I still love being close to him and sleeping sound. It's the sweetest thing.

I think it's great, we can just meet up when we are free and just spend time sleeping the afternoons and the weekends away.

It's a great way to distress.



Friday, December 03, 2004

Life Is A cabaret

We got paid before the show!!!!

I was my own replica of Holly Golightly in the first scene of Breakfast At Tiffany's, except of course, I don't have Audrey's height and her European beauty but other than that, the black dress, the hair and my necklace were the perfect ensemble to re-create Holly for the `lower deck' of Cilantro.

I'm a genius, I should be offered a job in vogue Malaysia, when they decide to start a Malaysian edition.

Am very grateful for Z and CT's involvement in this gig, without them I couldn't have made it, pull it all together.

The sound guy Sam asked if we were attempting a Charlie's Angles act....duh.

But you know what, I do feel like the blonde one there...TECHNICALLY, I was the only `face' the agency saw before we all showed up at the gig. CT and Z worked on the music mainly, coaching me on how to take each song with the music and all that.

Coming back to the `deck' where we sang. The agency (after charging the watch company a whopping amount of money) converted the entire lower floor of Cilantro (you might not have known this but it used to be a club below the restaurant) into a ship deck. All the models parading the VERY VERY EXPENSIVE watches were dressed in sailor costumes, the managing director from the client company was a pseudo Captain (very cute French), there were Charleston dancers doing the All That Jazz number, Channel 9 was there throughout, the event company girls were all babes..

But I didn't see any Tattler magazine regulars there...damn.

I think we girls dresses better than some of the guests. I was listening closely to the loud chatters near my piano...I only heard this once:

"...ahh see this one (pointing at one of four watches displayed on the grand piano), this is the one I bought, buy la buy la."

I swallowed and looked at him, he is half-bald and has pot-belly. Those watches cost round USD 24,000 each. Vacheron Constantin is the oldest watch maker...above Rolex standard and all that.

Anyway, I guess we sailed through our three sets of lounge singing, at least for me it did. The mike did wonderfully on out vocals, I've never done a gig where I can hear myself so well...the speaker/monitor was right in front of me.

Oh! How can I forget!! The ensemble!!

Z: Black velvet pants, black fitting camisole, black jacket and killer heels
CT: Full-beaded black camisole, black jacket with detachable collar, black pants, beaded mules
me: Black fitting mermaid-tail dress, Michelle-Jank-inspired necklace, gold Latin dance shoes

We look too good to be left alone. Give us some more jobs!!!

For full review of the performance, please look out for next month's editions of Tattler, Le Prestige, Harper's Bazaar...just kidding la...but you'll never know, about half a dozen magazine photographers took pictures of us.

Missed the YKL (Young KL Singers) concert last night, going to watch it tonight!


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Life is Good

A few things.

I swear that piece of cheese is as big as my face. Holland Gouda cheese, yum. Expiry date: Jan 2005, now Justin, THAT, is unfair.

I love what you bought me, dark chocolate and cheese.

Thank you!

Updates on Dhoca (or is it Dhoka?) Trio's (`ad-hoc-trio') act for Thursday, the three stooges worked through the scores and piano till 1:30am.


1. We now have over 27 songs in our repertoire among the three of us.

2. Z and CT survived my singing...note, my singing is lovely, is how I sing that is atrocious, I can't keep time, I failed in keeping time, I suck at singing in time...there are many ways to say it.

3. I'm learning to sing in time, I'm grateful for the patience these two jokers have with me -- I will be better tonight ok? and I won't talk back...

Bonus: I HEARD CT SANG SOLO!!!!!! Eat your heart the rest of you! She sounds GOOD!!!

New vocab:
`Straight time'

