Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Am I Gross or what?

ok, I tell you what happened just now when I was hungry and you tell me whether I'm gross or not, ok?

Hungry from my light lunch, I seized the pantry and found my last pack of CINTAN mee. Popped the content into a bowl and realized that the other end of the pack has opened. Fine, poured hot water into bowl and then I stopped, one ant crawled out of the hot soup....then another, third one came out when I got rid of the first two.

The hardworking species got to my food before I did.

I didn't care, I was hungry and I wanted my CINTAN mee. I took a tissue paper and waited for more casualties running away from the hot soup, I held the tissue paper close to the ants scrambling about the noodles half soaked in the hot water, they climbed onto the paper and I fling them to safety.

I rescued about four ants. I waited some more, no more ants...maybe they didn't manage the water...

Popped the bowl into the microwave.

Two minutes later I had my Semut-CINTAN mee, while eating I avoided the three real casualties in the soup. Gee, I hope they go to heaven.

Is that gross or what?

Nice, I'm not hungry anymore. Seven ants saved, three died in human-inflicted disaster.

That's all for now.

Am I gross or what?


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