diary of me, 30 n rocking
before I proceed on diary of bla bla bla, I would like to introduce this new hair, it's new but it doesn't at all dramatically different or new in these shots, but am sure if I meet you...you'll see how it's A BIT different now :)

I had to go back to Ken for a `re-perm' a day later because the waves were simply, quite straight...anyway now I know how to get something more dramatic if I want to, after a wash - some styling product and don't brush that hair after styling.
the diary:
Living it out with week long celebration of being 30 with girlfriends, I also indulged in a small series of....activities that further endowed my already well-endowed wardrobe.
Some funky super-over-sized pants, another fabulous green dress and more earrings later, I still haven't found a new housemate and am therefore, paying for the whole rental myself...
My housemates have been moving out into their own flats since I moved in here. What does it mean? Young Chinese people all eventually get their own flats. I also want one, not because I love investing or in home deco but living out of a flat in my name means security to me.
Put up an ad in the Star classifieds...and of course then it started, the lesson or training of putting up with strangers who would asked me for direction to get here but then go the other way to get lost, strange people who are overly flamboyant, eccentric couple, makes me shudder to think what other people might judge me if I were the one looking for a room...though I think I have always managed to appear safe and normal to strangers renting out the room.
Anyway, the update is....
there have been lots of nice gatherings with birthday as the excuse, I haven't been out to nice and slightly fancy restaurants for a while now, thanks to wonderfully packed (am loving it) schedule. Went to Relish and Bijou in a week, two new restaurants to me!
No rehearsal yet till at least a week from now.
So besides getting treated to nice meals, I go to theatres n play the audience; pestered J into giving small sponsorship to friends' play; shopping and I READ!!!
Somehow I have collected about at least 20 new books in just three weeks, who knows some of these would probably again end up on my shelf unread but just the sight and the thought of having new books to read is a fact exciting enough for me to stay calm when there's no outing to attend to...
Am reading Dina Zaman's I Am Muslim now and am totally enjoying it. I still have half of The Science of Happiness (Stefan Klein) to go, and not forgetting I started a bit of The Beginner's Guide To Changing The World by Isabel Losada (on loan from the witty TP Lim)...
(that might sound bloody snotty to some of you but heck, I just happen to know well what makes me tick. Whatever we read is our business, right Zal?)
Oh, of course there was also the audition for The King And I!
I got roped into it the same week the producer of The King And I (Istana Budaya, KL, July 2007) auditioned for the children ensemble for the musical, they want OUR KL kids to play alongside the non Malaysian cast.
It was quite a refreshing experience meeting all those children, some of them, such strong personalities for their age, some you can't help but think angelic when you see them...
After auditioning some 200 kids from morning till afternoon and smiling too much, we posed for the The King And I audition memory...

So check your papers come July and go watch The King and I the musical at Istana Budaya.
Labels: diary n happenings, Fashion, music, photos n such