Friday with J

this morning on Google Talk...
J: sometimes, when the world treats us unjustly and unfairly...we'll have to pick ourselves up by remembering the things that makes us happy. its easier said than done but its possible
me: you! and food
J: yes!
me: and music
J: yes!
me: i feel rich just to think about all** the music i have..
J: just remember that some of the things we appreciate - others envy as well - and in a way - it makes things more fair...
me: what do you think of when you feel like that?
J: you, bike rides, brains, my limbs, my ability to work - so i can afford the food and lifestyle i like... the simple things. maybe the one who was mean to you doesn't have a life like yours, that's why she is so mean and not nice to others
J: would you rather in her shoes or yours?
me: mine
J: although she is clever and talented but she is not you, the one i love.
me: it's very confusing
J: what is confusing?
me: to think about what is the ultimate in life
J: nothing!!! that's the beauty of it!!!
me: to just embrace love, or to chase after the ultimate glory?
J: no...there's actually nothing!!!! the meaning of life...nothing!!!!
me: but what kind of life is it if one is just to love a person...wouldn't that be too stressful?
J: no don't get it wrong!!! its nothing!!! there's no meaning of life, there's no ultimate thing in life. there's just plain old nothing
J: nothing
just like the dots below
me: that's the fact?
J: nothing
me: but ppl like to believe they have a principle
J: once you've embraced that understanding, you'll be enlightened
me: i think there is's call happiness
me: when a person is happy, nothing can be bad for him, poor or sick, no?
J: remember, you'll have to embrace the idea of 'there's nothing - no objective in life. once you've got it, you'll can be yourself. you can go chase after what you want, you can be a serial murderer, a pianist, or salesman, an engineer or burglar
me: this is the intellectual aspect correct?
J: yes
me: not the part about we are here to procreate, and stay in existence
J:yes, but there's a new kind of procreation -- ideas can now be carried to another generation through teaching and writing - not just through i don't mind not having babies, just need to write books so that these ideas don't die with me
me: but since humans are thinking creatures, what meaning in life is there, it's all different and in variety. what you are saying that there is NO objective in life, is that you mean? - there is NOTHING, and no one telling each n everyone of us what the meaning of life is -- we MAKE our own meaning as we go along as we like, correct?
J: yes
me: we make as many meaning as possible, or we dun do anything, we can just breathe and stay alive, or we can take our own life, right?
J: that's right
me: but what we just discussed, isn't it something so simple n clear?
J: i think its soooo simple that most folks don't get - lots of folks don't get it
me: i think some do, right?
J: some, yes.
me: what you said it's so similar to Buddha's teaching, it's all about the nothingness of life and universe...
Clear with the the nothingness in life, let's make a list this Friday on things that make us happy, and make life fair for us.

1. my ability to drive
2. my ownership of Sunny
3. my laptop that plays music
4. my air con that works
5. my thick skin
6. my love for animals
7. my love
8. my friends
9. my ability to stay positive at most times
10. my ability to sing
On happiness, some reading to do this weekend

So what do you have to do to find happiness? - Times Online (October 2005)
The Science of Happiness - BBC News (April 2006)
Labels: Justin, reflections n thoughts