The intention is pure vanity, I haven't doubt it and I will come clean and be honest about it :) it's my shallow brain at work.

After close to two years of talking about shaping up and toning, you know, working towards getting a body...the kind I ogle on other women - lean and toned; I finally gave in to my vanity and gave up my laziness. Atilia Haron has been the one, whose workout routine and progress I followed closely on social media (Thank you Sayang for letting us ogle your work out updates on FB!!) and I told myself many times, Yalah, that's what I want to aim for, in terms of a physic and fitness level. level I have a hell long long way to go to match Atilia's - but physic, yes, I want the physic - it's all looks for me :)
So I buzzed her and asked her for her personal trainer's contact. Called him up the same morning I got his number, and made an appointment to start the following day.
So, the diary started yesterday, at 1pm :)
April 4th, first session/class with Naim Bashah, whom I address as Sargeant Naim.
a) Squads - 4 sets of 15 repetition
1st repetition - body weight
2nd repetition - body + 4 pound weight on each hand
3rd repetition - body + 6 pound weight on each hand
4th repetition - body + 9 pound weight on each hand (10kg in total, can die!)
b) Lunges - 4 sets of 15 repetition
1st repetition - body weight
2nd repetition - body + 4 pound weight on each hand
3rd repetition - body + 6 pound weight on each hand
4th repetition - body + 9 pound weight on each hand (....ver wobbly legs by then)
c) Girl push-up - 4 sets of 15 repetition
* by the end of first set my face has turned a shade of red which Naim commented (no I wasn't looking at any mirror, only trying to survive the grill). By second repetition Naim gave me a tip that cracked me up that I had to stop to laugh before I got back at it:
"Eh Janet, next time you have a show, no need to waste your make up k, just do these push-ups before you go on stage - you will have your blusher all done..."
d) Plank - 4 sets
1st & 2nd repetition - 30 seconds
3rd repetition - 40 seconds
4th repetition - 60 second (he challenged me to hold up to 1 minute and I said can do, as long as I get to stare at the stop-watch as I hold to see how long more I need to focus, he offered to do 20 push up as the `reward' - I made him do 30 push-ups, hehe)
e) Sit-ups - 5 sets of 15 repetition
Sgt Naim had to hold my feet down so I could do the sit-up proper.
I could still drive and type on my phone after the session..and no aches yet. That was yesterday. This morning it's different story, my arms ache as I type, my stomach burns a little from the sit-ups and all that jazz, the muscles on my thighs are quietly protesting.
Looks like I may wanna listen to Sgt and get on those protein shake diet thingy. We'll see. That's the report so far. Next week I will have two sessions, one hour each time.
Slave to my vanity, a happy slave, signing off for now :)
Labels: diary n happenings, fitness, lifestyle