Spent three days at Chiang Mai few weeks ago. Came home with the travellers' diarrhoea. The adventure was worth it. The cool weather there was worth it, the delicious food, lazing around town with
J was worth it. The dresses were worth it...the people were worth it.
pics by
J and myself
Dec 23, Sunday
Thapae Gate

Fresh from the airport and after checking into
The Chiang Mai White House...eager to explore

City Silk Co. on Thapae Road was where I ordered two dresses to be made. Didn't plan ahead, it was an impromptu spending spree. Num was taking down notes on what I wanted...I ordered a long and a knee-length evening Thai silk dresses. It was nice of
J to wait around for me to finish my business at the tailor before we finally get to get some late late lunch.

outside a shop

scenic cable scene

evening...on the way to dinner we walked thro the Sunday night market at Thapea Gate

at the market place...

at the diner

J taking a break from dinner

to the market after dinner, we were fascinated with the tiny traffic lights

I bought the one on the right

the vendor was a fiesty babe...oh I also bought the silk skirt on my shoulder

and it was rather chilly as the night got late...she took refuge from the chill in her box

got warmed up from the walking up and down the stores...found this store with cool footwear

I bought the green ones

Monday, Dec 24
JJ's designer market

the pub action opposite the market

JJ's Hobby Market...ultra coolness

Lost all of my pictures of the third day (Dec 25) adventure due to a memory card gone wonky...sigh* of the mountain biking in the morning..scenic ride and the lakes and the folks we met there, the dogs, the skies, and the dresses fitting and shots with my tailor...
ah well, but I have these shots of all the lovely dogs in Chiang Mai...wonderful dogs :)

sleepy dog...

...wakes up

adorable fella

this little friend here is named Puppy, the resident @
The Chiang Mai White House

Labels: photos n such, travel