Singing all the way to 2007
Am loving most moments of being...a `full time person', in singing. One crazy year end this is...singing here singing there - makes me a `hepppi-girl'.
Still hooked on playing round with photo software :)
Am pleased with these shots from my Nokia phone camera...if all fails and I lose my job as a singer, I shall attempt photographing singers as a job??? Oh ya check out my latest entry with lots of entries from the past ten days in the style department.
Shots from The Attic performance on Dec 20, open mic with Nic, Vivian, Ben Chew and myself. I give myself a pat on the back for having the BALLS to go on first, with Ben Chew...after me.
soul mama of the night, Nic

Vivian, my favourite mezzo!

Nicole and Vivian singing the...what? Woogie Boogie Bugle Boy from Company B

These are from Fancy Poultry's performance @ Bangkok Jazz on the 24th...

The band Gruvavenue...Martin on drums, Daniel on bass and Jason on piano

What do you think guys? Think I got a little potential to make a living as a camera woman or not? Vivian now calls me `the photo picture woman'.
Other pics from Attic on the 20th
Zal, Cris n I

It was Cal's birthday too

and the evening's line-up of performers...Ben Chew, Llew Marsh, Vivian, Nicole and me , with balls to go on first

Done with Attic, I started the carolling marathon with Verse (a capella group) on The Curve and KL Hilton. Pics by Alan of Events Wizard took interesting shots with my Nokia phone camera. THANK YOU ALAN!!!!!!!!! and Leonard who took some for me on 24th :)
We loooooove singing :D

Some funny chap tickled us, hahhahaha

Enunciate it properly...

Sing your way into 2007 this year!!!
Labels: music