Thank you for the music

Some of the world's best sounds I know come from people when they are doing group vocal warm up. Last night Roland led the vocal warm up before our performance and I thought the humming scale sounded like the most beautiful thing :)
And later as I looked on my reflection on the grand piano while Saidah and Roland discussed a few music cues, I admired the fine make-up I had on with my sexy hairdo and thought to myself, if not for Saidah and her vision and gift of music, none of these would be here...
the costumes, the cast, the words, the choreography, the hair stylists, stage managers, audience, front of house, musicians, TV crew....
It just touched me to be reminded that we are all here in the theatre everyday on a noble mission of bringing Saidah's pure genius to live audience. All the glamour that is seen on stage, in the hallway after a show, in the magazines, are results of disciplined rehearsals, studied music, endless hours of working together, activities that were far from glamorous...
This, I guess, it's what alluring about the performing arts, credits are due for all the backstage hard work, in exchange you get to bask in glory for job well done on stage and be showered with praises and respect for how you shine on stage.
It's harsh, but oh, so romantic.
Here's to M! The Opera...for it is a piece of work that has musical integrity and soul, it does not try to be all crowd pleasing, spirits lifting...keeping everyone happy with brain numbing tunes.
To Saidah who is the creator of the production who did not water down her writing for fear that people can't understand it or perform it. I thank her for not making compromises to the music and gave the cast the chance to challenge ourselves.
To us, who dare to be true to our souls and not conform.
Labels: M the opera