I didn't know how to spell `Shiseido' before I became one of those girls who posed in impossible poses in shopping mall centre court, wearing ridiculous costumes (fur jacket in KL?) with pastel color eye shadow...with curly hair.
Well, my result:

If you think this is a nice shoot, thank you. I specifically told the team (one make up artist, one hair person, one photographer cum `choreographer' and one photo editor) that I want to look like myself in the picture, hence the light make up...but this is an airbrushed item so I guess in some way this is `cheating'. Anyway I told them I want straight hair and smoky eyes (light), and I wore all my own clothes.
A red dress from Reykjavík, SM's present
The MNG sequin (matte sequin) top am wearing in this shoot
Another MNG item, a black low cut dress
SM was there when I had the shoot, she watched how I obeyed the photographer's instruction like a puppy.
"Tilt your head to the right more, lower, closer to your shoulder, lower...ok now freeze."
"Now put your hands under your chin, more left...a bit more..."
"Cross your hands like that, ya like that, ok ok, don't move."
While I knew those men from 1st floor were looking down my Wacoal-induced cleavage, I did exactly what I was told, knowing that that young chap with the camera knew what he was doing. Indeed, when I scanned all the shoots later on the computer, the ridiculous and the most unnatural poses looked `normal' in the pictures.
The Chinese girl who had her shoots taken after me, had her hair set to look like Maggi Mee, with deep green eye shadow...that aside, I give her credit for wearing her own teeshirt.
Anyway, I now officially join the rest of the population of women who had their pictures taken like that, choreographed, hair teased, face fully made up...
And since I'm on the topic of having my photo taken, I want to showcase the result of the very talented DanLim spending one Sunday morning with my half-cooked make-up and hair, snapping away at a certain location sponsored by a special friend. This is the `home-photo-shop' version, I like the dark orange effect, it kind of shields my bad make up, don't you think?
BTW, Dan and I call this shoot a FHM special...

And this one I call it Audrey-wannabe, see the black dress and the junky necklace? I was dreaming Breakfast At Tiffany's.

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