Work aside (not much done from the to-do-list in my previous
post but it's progressing all right), I have been quite busy on the social is good for the doctor.
I get to make some decent food for my man. Vegetarian...sauteed mushrooms with garlic, french beans and cherry tomatoes, top with leftover smashed (yes, smashed and not mashed) potatoes from my party the night before...

The night before, Friday...the birthday do of
Cris at her pad. I took this picture but I got no clue what provoked this half-synchronised group pose...of showing the middle finger to...the camera. We were happy girls with Captain Morgen rum :) It was a carbo fest with Cristina's divine menu of red spinach lasagna, grilled Portobello mushrooms, home made pesto for pasta, Nic's hummus, my smashed potatoes...and more carbo...

The night before the hell broke with the sing-song girls. I was at Tan Sin Sim's recital at No Black Tie. Sin Sim used to see my vocal coach in KL, based in Singapore now, she came home to KL for this one-night-only recital. She sang to full house on Thursday night.

Met up with her on Raya first day to do some shopping in my wardrobe for the gig. I had fun dressing her in quirky combination such as this...but nah, she didn't attempt this funky diva look in the end.

...ok she did use my black feather boa for her flamboyant number of Bernstein's Glitter And Be Gay. Her repertoire that evening include Mozart,Rossini, Lizst, Quilter, Dvorak and Strauss.

Another October birthday...hung out till wee hours and got
Zal to blow out that big ass candle outside Starbucks on Saturday.
Nic (right) was the one who bought the big ass candle from seven-eleven.

The first party after the
musical was of course, the cast party. We laughed ourselves silly in a hotel ballroom and yes, I took the chance to dressed up, this is my new heels bought some days before the party.

And they dressed up too, Nazmin, Sherry from wardrobe and Dominique the costume wizard.

And believe it or not, I actually got roped into performing a dance duet (is that what people call a dance for two?) of the Butterfly Lovers at the party. Seng Kiong from the cast whose creative juices were flowing taught me the routine few hours before the party and besides having a good laugh at myself, I learned quite a bit about Chinese dance. Thank you Seng Kiong!!! Check out the costumes he designed for the two of us.
Pic by Melissa Toeh
After the slightly stuffy party at the hotel we adjourned to
Top Room to wind down and chill with Junji Gomez and legendary Salamiah Hassan on vocals (magnificent duo) with piano man David Gomez on the grand.

and guess what!! We got to catch
Edwin doing Funny Valentine with David. Edwin wore his chic couture to the party, white tee with sexy tube from his Five Letters From An Eastern Empire costumes, and a vintage long skirt from his mom's wardrobe. Brilliant...I should ask him to guest write in my
shopping blog.

While it sure looks like a full social life, I sure feel lucky that I have been busy sending quotations to clients, planning my schedule with other rehearsals and travelling...can't say that I have been working hard in my classical repertoire...
The cheque from musical cleared, first thing I did was to transfer most of it to my savings before I could even touch it at the ATM machine. Plenty of spending this year end so I have to be wise enough to `pay' myself in savings. These days my lifestyle calls for a better balance between splurging disgustingly and investing in my career as an upstart singer, gig wear, makeup, music, theatre...books, dry cleaning.
I can't complain, it seems I'm taking in everything ahead of me and truly, having a wild time.
Labels: diary n happenings