Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Blue Collar Happiness

Lately I have been fantasizing about an alternative lifestyle.

No, not my sexual preference, but my status preference...I don't like the word `status' and the implications it carry but I guess it fits what I meant to say.

I have been observing the cleaners in my apartment, office and everywhere, their work seem so uncomplicated, and mind you, seeming therapeutic, especially the gardeners.

It's all about what makes you tick, I think. Those in power and in limelight, because that's where they feel like they belong. Having power over others, ignite fear and seduce admiration from people, etc.

But when I meet the smelly cleaners in my apartment lifts, they look so calm and contented, they are not rushing off to appointments or fitting sessions, they are just...working, in an allocated area and in a familiar routine and at night, they rest and sleep peacefully.

But what's a life without challenges and what success wouldn't be sweet without a fight?

IW said she read a research claiming that people who have more control of their lives (in this context it means people with higher income or white collar jobs), though with higher responsibilities and higher level of stress, do live longer.

I guess my envy for the blue collar folks is one-dimensional. IW said they too have stress...making ends meet, etc.

Well maybe I just ought to fantasize less and just stick to what I have chosen and make it good..instead of dreaming of doing something else whenever I'm at something, just do the something I'm at well.

SM used to tell me this years ago when I first joined my last job -- your job is as good as how you make it yourself.



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