Letter forty-one - Day forty-sixof your vacation
Dearest J,

Max has put on some weight lately, I read him a book (Papi And I) on Wednesday...that doesn't happen very often.
Yesterday was a rather productive day, thought my songs for the jazz workshop are still not anywhere takes a shape. I went over to Maybank down the road, finally, to open a company account. I got my rubber stamp this week too. Anyway, am grateful that the account opening process was a breeze, they now need to run a `company search' before they confirm the account and have me proceed with the first deposit.
I celebrated by stopping over on the way up to the flat, to eat. Had a sour dough toast with egg mayo at Tommy Le Baker downstairs. Tommy learned how to bake in France and we have many mutual friends in theatre, he lives here too.
My sister went over to see Mama yesterday with her Nyonya curry and some soup. We stayed and chatted with her for a bit before I head out to meet Seeming and Nell at PJLA, my sister also left in a downpour to home.
Thursday stares at me, curious at every single moment or activity.
I started this letter in the morning. It's 8pm now.
Took Thursday to the vet near your house to cut her nails. Doctor also gave her an injection (one of three) for her skin infection on her ears. She hated the car ride there because she was left in the leg room by herself, when we got there she had a huge fits and took a few mins for her to calm down before I could hold her and got her out of the car.
She is now happy again, home and playing...with shorter nails, phew. We both napped hungrily.
I had a late lunch at your place today, Mama made my favourite staple again - plain porridge, there was fry pumpkin with garlic, fried fish, her shallots. I had two full bowls of that.
Hungry now. I finally opened that packet of dark chocolate cookies Tania & gang got me (among other stuff in a huge basket) and ate two. I sat on our couch eating and looking around the hall - it makes an excellent and intimate rehearsal space. It's so especially cooling up here these days. The dining table area would make a great meeting table for more than 6 people even...and with the keyboard in front of it. And all the score books just at arm's length's reach.
This space should be made useful now. It's really kinda big for just one of me. We decided to buy this bigger unit because there were two of us, I remember it was you who initiated for a bigger design because you said, it works for the future, to have more space. Well, now I shouldn't let this space go to waste...
I said this today on my FB status:
Don't wait for another breathe to be wasted...love deeply and seriously, honestly and whole-heartedly.
Am going to Cher Siang's gig tonight at Alexis Ampang. Going to bring your Nikon there and hope to indulge in a few shots.
Miss you deeply,
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