Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Letter one hundred and four - Day three hundred-and-nine of your vacation

Dearest J,

I was picking out flesh from a fried fish this evening to eat, at your place.  Remembering how you used to do that for me, you would pick out all the fish bones first, and put the fish on my plate, rid of bones.

I want to live well because I was loved.

Your dad told me at dinner that they are taking a weekend holiday at the Sands, to watch Lion King, staying at the Sands Hotel.  Mama told me last week that her passport was renewed because your mom was taking her to Singapore.  I am so happy that your parents are making time to enjoy themselves, with Mama in tow. Alex and Yan also booked the Sands for the weekend.

Mama made lots of food for me for dinner, I had two helpings.

Over 300 days passed.  So many occasions came and passed, where I wish I still have you to go to when I have doubts, when I need you to guide me through certain cloudy moments.  I remember how sometimes you just look at me and smile, to say, "I also don't know any better."

Am in one of those moments now, really wishing you're still here to make me feel less doubtful.

But because I was loved, I shall march on.

Seeming reminds me recently to keep inspired by you, to do good in your memory.

Evelyn at No Black Tie finally sent me an email, two months offer me a slot there this September. This is big for me.  Am happy.  Singing keeps me happy.

made Brandon take pics of me with piano 

Much love,


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