Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Monday, December 06, 2010

Letter fifty-three - Day sixty-three of your vacation

Dearest J,

Just got home from singing workshop with Heidi Vogel, a UK vocalist.  Did some really interesting improvisation exercises and got some useful advice from her for my singing career.

I spent most of today feeling restless and quite a bit to do and feeling I wasn't being most productive and time efficient.  To make it worse, I looked into the mirror a few times today to find me staring at my most...say, productive?  Most productive outbreak of mini pimples.

Ya, (lucky for me) the kind you don't see in one glance.  Small, `skin-color' pimples spreading across my forehead...

I washed my face a few times today and spent too much time going over all the possible causes for this physical manifestation.

Not enough sleep?  Poor diet?  Reaction to too much car fur in the house?  The new serum am using?  Poor face hygiene?

...or maybe just part of few `physical reactions' that I been having since your lips still breaks easily, among other conditions.

Am singing this Saturday at Justice For Sisters.

I really ought to start working on that Bach duet too...been postponing my practice.

Learned to sing a new song today, very excited. Duffy's Mercy.

Rehearsed with a new musician at home today, David.  He is playing with me next Saturday at 789.  Will be attempting three new songs, new in my repertoire - Fever, Route 66, and Mercy.

Am going up to have my vege  quiche now at Fai's.

Am feeling very occupied with music and songs and other errands.  Unlike the busy times I had last week where I missed you more, this far am quite fixated on my long-to-list.

Much love,




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