Letter fifty-one - Day sixty of your vacation
Dearest J,
Feels like any other day, any other busy day, swamped with desk work and music work. Day 60th. Somewhere out there some of us keeps counting the distance...between the moment we had the treasure of you next to us and the present moment of without.
I feel dizzy at the thought that I might never stop counting the days. Staying alive is a good distraction I suppose, and keeping busy. I can say that I voluntarily allow my schedule to fill itself up. Bookings are coming in and am grateful - gigs are essential for the nourishment of the soul and bank account.
I chatted till early in the morning with Julian the sax player who lives in NYC now. He suggested taking time off work to study, and practice. He said the enemy of the jazz musician in KL is work, when you work most of the time, you are absent in your study and training time. Maybe this sounds a little illogical at first, but he means to say that when you are off work, you spend all your time, un-deterred by a client's music requests and the noise around you - to just practice your craft.
There are times for everything, Julian said. This year end and January is my time to harvest and save up for rainy days.

Thursday had her first shower at our home today. She was terrified but recovered her composure rather quickly when I wrapped her in a towel and dry her with hair dryer. It's getting easier to deal with her, she seems, seems - is the operating word to have understood my authority, or at least a little. She stays most of the time at my bed room door when I open the door, instead of darting into the room under my feet. She lets me pat and stroke her more these few days. She bites me less the last two days.
So ya, I think she is cool here, and am cool too.
I had a leisurely solitary lunch at the Wantan mee shop down the road today, after my hip hop class. The air is still cool from all the raining.
Ok, I better get all the work done here on my desk so I can move on to more important work - singing & music.
Miss you lots,
Labels: Justin
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