Letter fifty-nine - Day seventy of your vacation
Dearest J,
I kept a set of two of your favourite teeshirts, for my fantasy, that one day...somehow you'd come back and will need some familar clothing to get comfy in. This absurd thought must stem from all those hours I spent not missing you, not thinking of you, and now these little explosions of emotions manifest themselves into...how I react to situations.
70 days already, closing in to 100, then it will be 200, 300... Part of me want to celebrate how all of us have survived without you since Oct 3, how we have managed to brush aside our misery and walk on, even laugh and make toasts to many things; part of me want to put a stop to the clock ticking away, because counting the days seems to lengthen the distance between you and I, that day when you put on your biking suit to go out and this day, I sit here without a home for my heart.
But life goes on.
Went to visit Mama. Had lunch with your dad, Mama and your aunt. Saw Hilary sleeping under the car as I left after lunch, fatter than ever.
Going to make something useful now, maybe do my laundry and look at my music before I sleep.
Miss you,
Labels: Justin
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