Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Thursday, February 24, 2005


a blogger I admire - Mr D and I had this exchange over the net yesterday...blogging is a reflection of our lives these days, everything fast, immediately technology, fast food, fast marriages, fast food, fast communication, emails, faxes, dating agencies...

I don't want to spend my next ten keeping in touch with friends through reading their blogs and chatting over MSN, I want to see them sometimes...

Anyway, Mr D and my conversation -

Mr D: just thought i'd tell you that i am enjoying your blog, you write very interestingly

Me: goody, thank you. can i tell you again? that MADE MY DAY! Coming from you. oh, my colleague likes your stuff too.

Mr D: your blog has made me see you in a completely different way

Me: ...? now i'm interested to know what you THOUGHT of me before?

Mr D: hmmm, you are more interesting to me now...not to say that you were not interesting before. i think i would actually enjoy talking with you

Me: oh god

Mr D: is that a bad thing?

Me: no la, i guess most ppl are like that, we all have (whether you like it or not),
some pre-judgement of our friends to a certain level.

Mr D: well, most people think i am nothing much as well...until they read my blog

Me: really!

Mr D: i am more attractive as a blog than i am a human being, :(

Me: so i guess then blogging is a good thing, except the down side is your friends spend time reading our thoughts on the internet instead of goin out with us to know us better

Mr D: yeah, i know what you mean

Me: ....but i guess it's convenient, for this time n age (sad), you can `bond' with friends on internet (without driving out and park, and then meet), like MSN and reading blogs

Mr D: that is sad..., haha, we should only date people who blog and write well :P

Me: analyse this - why are we so busy? how much time do you spend in a week to socialise? or do ppl (you/me) equal socialising as waste of time n unproductive? you know what, i'm goin to blog on this issue

Mr D: yes, totally blog-worthy

Me: answer my question, is socialising important?

Mr D: i think it is, it's one of the links in a chain we call life


Mr D, jom pizza?


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