Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

a place in your heart

it hurts me to see you like this.
it hurts to know that i don't know how you feel.
it hurts even more to know that i have probably never really know how you feel.
it hurts like crazy to know that i have stopped being the person you confide in at the end of the day.

i'm still here.

you've hurt me but i'm still here, you can cry on my shoulders.
yes i know it's stupid but my heart tells me to.
you may not love me anymore but i'm still the same person you talked to.

damn it, i'm still the same person.

you are feeling unjust that the world hasn't given you what you deserve for your efforts.
you are feeling tired in the head and in the mind.
you are feeling unhappy, i can tell from your face.

if only i can be that person you confide things to again...
if only.

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