Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

let's talk about love

i don't know what did it, but i feel at least 20 times better today, maybe starting my day early has something to do with it. :)

there is at least some calmness and peace in my mind, so far so good.

i remember reading a good book used to lift my spirits. maybe [Eleven Minutes] is having its effect on me. again, i recommend the book. now at page 135, would have finished the book last night if not for the dinner at Paris. the company at dinner was REALLY good, thanks love, was what i needed yesterday.

later after dinner, justin came home. we discussed [Eleven Minutes] and i felt very good after that. i would love to share more of this book here but i think its words would lose their meanings in excepts, you just gotta read the book. it's a little disturbing at first but if you are smart enough to see, our world/civilisation IS disturbing. (page 88)

like most women, i want to believe in true love/romance that last a life-time. the elderly advice is that marriages (strictly in the case of marriages = married couples) that last do not depend on romance that is bottomless, it's the sense of responsibility/duty that hold the institution together. people who divorce in the name that the love has ran out in the relationship strive to live with romance. people change, love and romance will run thin for some couples...we keep changing partners because we want to be with people we love, when we stop loving the person we are with, we break up and move on to the next hopeful. some people believe in `the one' in life, some people believe in `one great love'. what's your religion?

recommended documentaries on the topic:
1. [The Science of Seduction] - Discovery Channel
2. [The Science of Sex]- Discovery Channel
3. [The Science of Love]- Discovery Channel

though human beings are gifted with conscience that animals do not have, there are many similarities in the mating behaviour of human beings and animals. the male species are born to spread seeds, females are born to nurture and bring up the young. whether we like it or not, men are programmed to be unfaithful, so why bother?

of course, life is more complicated than that. in Samantha Jones' school of thought, men are for a fuck, females are for friendships.

confused now. any wise one?

marriage is not a solution nor a mean to an end. it's for the brave ones, the hopeful ones, the religious ones, the dumb ones....if you can get a divorce after all the trouble of getting married, why marry? for security? how funny. for me, it only make sense to get married (undergo whatever desired ceremony, take and make whatever romantic vows, throw a big party to announce your love for each other) if you are certain this person:

1. will be the only person you love and you want to stay with till your dying day.
2. will love back and want to be with you until his/her dying day.

but people change, the world changes, there's no certainty in life, only death and taxes. so why get married?

i asked justin if he would/might one day marry someone, he said:" I hope not." i smiled, he is the same person one i knew.

my sincerest wish to all married ones, may you stay with the person you are married to and may your love last for a lifetime.

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