Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Letter eleven - Day sixteen of your vacation

Dearest J,

Had a packed day today. I have been quite busy the last one week. The buzz and the activities are great for occupying my time and mental focus. In fact, we have always been two very busy people living together.

We run our daily lives doing things as different as...very different. I have my rehearsals and you have your meetings. I have my performances and you have your presentations. I have my dance class and your have your running. I have my shopping and you have your riding.

And we have....had, each other, at the end of the day's buzz and fuss.

Well, now, at the end of my busy and excitement-filled days, I have myself. Just good old me now. I look at us, framed forever in a color photo sitting on my desk.

I find myself talking to you here, in place of our almost nightly intimate chats about everything under the sun. Your silly stories about what you did to your work shirt over lunch, and who did what over the weekend rides. That was the biggest reward for ourselves for being alive, to share our daily, weekly dreams, nightmares, stories, happiness, fear, worries, supper, TV remote control, the couch, our bed, the bathroom...our breathe, this space.

I have been going to bed in the wee hours. When my body meets the sheets it won't take long before am fast asleep, holding the bolster tight in my arms. I was never a bolster kind of girl but now I am.

Anyway, so, ya, today was one hell of a day. I had a dance rehearsal at home with Callie. We have a dancing gig tomorrow night, my FIRST paying dancing gig! Pray I don't stage fright tomorrow.

Then I went over to see Saidah, her house is exactly about 6 minutes from our place! Chelsia turned up about 2 minutes after me, with vegetarian rice dumplings from Penang! Saidah got us to work on the song, your song.

It was afternoon filled with lots of piano music, singing, composing and laughters and story-telling. I tell you, at the end of the session, I have a song, for you baby. It's your song, written by me, for you. Music by Saidah Rastam, aided by Chelsia... It was the quietest epic experience.
She played and I sang on top of her playing, whenever I heard a tune in my head. It wasn't easy but we had an incredible process all in all. The song took shape, I think it's a pretty good shape. Can't wait to complete the lyrics and start singing it.

I have so much to say but I think you would prefer that I go to bed now and tell you tomorrow, an sure of it.

The laundry will have to wait till morning.

Always, love,




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