Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Monday, February 05, 2007

The sad one at the wet market

This looks like I was stalking this old woman I saw this morning...was out in the wet market (Sec 17 PJ) with J' s old Mama and I saw this woman walking out of the restaurant where we were buying some early lunch. She caught my attention because of her frail figure and her visible limping., when she passed me I saw a big cut on her finger but there was no blood and she looked almost expressionless. A quick and strong surge of sadness just flooded over and swept me off my feet and my feet followed her..turned out she was walking the same direction as us because Mama wanted to see if the garlic vendor van was out there. I took three shots of her back...and I noticed she had other wounds and scars on her.

Old people have that effect on me, those look vulnerable and frail on the surface do. Of course you guess that they are all that, poor, frail, sick, helpless. You can only guess that they are all that by the way they look.

I don't know if that's my subconscious fear of becoming old and helpless or like normal people, I get depressed when I see a picture of vulnerability...and then I spend the day feeling guilty for what I have.

Z said we need to see beyond just the picture in black and white, I think sometimes what's on the surface is all that we can see, for that moment in time.

That woman could be happily living with her children and likes to wander around on her own...but then again, who knows till you find out.

KM said we shouldn't have to feel guilty about our lifestyle because of others living differently, being appreciative and grateful are virtues we can embrace, like doing our part in life should there is such thing as our part in this life.

While I know for a fact that I'm not about to become a welfare & social worker tomorrow, I tell myself that if I will work hard on my craft and my music, I'm doing my part in this life and on this planet. It's like repaying life for what it has given me, the luxury to sing and perform, the gift of music and people who allow me to go for the dream, you know who you are :)

"Sing, sing, sing, for the love you bring won't mean a thing until you sing, sing, sing."

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