Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Chat Rooms & Frienships

Am sure most of us have at least heard of one person we know (or our friends' friends) who met their prince charming/husband/girlfriend/wife through the internet.

Gee, how the hell they do that?

I just had my horrofying 20 minutes in some public chat rooms. People there are maniacs and bored dump-asses (unlike me), how the hell you meet someone to marry in those places?

OK, maybe there are other better place to meet new a hobby yahoogroup or a forums. Is it so?

I have never made any new friends through the net before. And I saw no decent human beings in those chat rooms...all they want to know is your AGE, GENDER, LOCATION, and they will try thier chances on just anyone, I'm sure, to click at the porn links they typed in the chat rooms.

My pool of `activity-friends' have gone down in size since....I had a romantic relstionship, and since I got busy with singing.

Actually, if we all have the luxury of hobbies, and decent jobs, and really good books, cable TV, a few close friends...who needs new friends? I guess you need to grow your pool of friends for future use, when you have exhausted your current pool of friends, or maybe when they leave you to greener pastures (mariagges, children, citizenship in another country, etc). Of course the best thing to do is to rotate your groups of friends, keep them fresh and on-going, then you won't have that worry of running low on them.

Speaking of that, I would like to share one of my favourite articles from my favourite writer and his take on the topic of friends: I need to replenish my supply of friends

Or maybe you can find friends in nature (stars and trees, birds and bees), books, music, gardening, craft-making, charity and community work...

Oh, ya, so does anyone know how to find a romantic partner in the cyber space? what site do I go to?



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