Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


it's been said in many ways, many style...but basically, my heart is broken, but i'm not.

time will heal everything. i've been dumped. my face look like it's been ran over by a truck. i feel like i got ran over.

(`I Will Survive' playing in the background, if this is a movie/TV drama)

action plan: justin and i will help ME get my own place, a cheapo flat or something hopefully. you see then, whatever shit happens, i have my own pad to run to. i realised recent years that i'm fear of change. well, change is what i'll have and it would be good for me. damn it, because i say so.

isn't this the biggest irony of all? my last post was on the room we share, now we are both planning to get out of there...yes, he is also planning to get out of this new place.

thought this seems like a bad case...i'm sure i will see the silver-lining soon. i have so much more to live for. music and pasta!!!



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