The Gingerbread Witch Diary - FB post @ July 13
July 13th, 2018 - Danny & Soon Yoon
The witch and her producers - This loving and “incestuous” threesome of Soon Yoon Ho, Danny Chen and myself, not unlike a few other ‘liaisons’ that I have with Malaysian thespians and music folks. We have all worked together as stage lovers, family, people of Peking (Turandot in 2003!), and other fun theatre outings.
And fast forward to more than a decade later, I’m a proudest friend with these two - for their colossal hard work and passion in bringing classical music and operatic works into Malaysian life. What kind of boring artsy landscape we’d have if not for such crazy dreamers and doers like Danny and Soon Yoon? I’m a proud unapologetic fan girl since the inception of EST (Eat, Sing, Travel), now Kuala Lumpur City Opera.
I’ve been playing audience in almost every single productions (having missed only one show ever) presented by KLCO. Fast forward again to now, a week fresh off after I wrapped my first show with my two old friends, this time playing the role of my producers - I’m such a blessed soul to come one full circle with these two - co-actors, friends and now my producers. Just thinking of this brings a smile to my face
🙂 ...they’re always there at my solo concerts and I’m there at their operas.

May our friendships AND KLCO’s good work grow ever more and let the music play on
🙂 it ain’t over till the fat lady sings!

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