Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Philippe Gaulier's Neutral Mask and Greek Tragedy master class - day one (August 14th)

The class was full of action, in variety of tempo and dynamics.  We promptly started with a game of "Samuel says".  There were lots of listening, lots of silliness, mostly there was focusing, playing with body movements and using text provided as class syllabus but we were asked to say it without much care for the text content, today.

Today we played at...

The sun and horizon

A walking and talking tree

A Greek chorus of tree

A dancing fire

A flight of small breeze or smoke

A quiet lake in September

Wake up on the snow

A lullaby singing women begging for her life

excerpts from:

The Death of Hector from Iliad by Homer

Antigone by Sophocles

Libation Bearers by Aeschylus

My brownie for the day:

1 point for portraying a beautiful, elegant Antigone - she sings a lullaby, she charms everyone in the hall, how would Creon look summoning the death of such a beautiful and regal creature.

My lullaby: Mo Li Hua
Line: "Now that you have caught, will you do more than kill me?"

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