Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Letter twenty - Day twenty-three of your vacation

Dearest J,

Morning! Was at the CD shelf looking to pack a few mixed CDs for tonight's work and found a stack of old photos in my CD leaflets box.  And saw you in there.  This reminds me that just three shelves above I have two big shelves of old photos in prints, all the pre-digital memories.

And you will be in many many of those photos.  That delightful thought jumped at me.

Had a real nice dinner with Sushee & Nell on guess what, plain porridge with Mama's condiments.  The catch-up session had a zen-like feel.  Many stories were shared and all conclusions seem to be pointing at what we learned at the recent meditation retreat.  Breathe in deep and really, concentrate on our very present moment.  Knowing we cannot change the external, but we CAN always change ourselves - an idea, a thought, an opinion, a reaction, a response, an emotion, a judgement...etc.

And mind you, Nell reminded us, what we dislike in others, is a reflection of ourselves.

As I sat there overlooking the night fall and listening, talking to the girls, I was happy.  We gotta deserve to be happy, and I know that it is achievable even at this point in my life.  There are issues, and there will always be issues, bad ones, smelly ones, to be taken care one thing at a time.  You have taught me not to waste time worrying over things I have no control over, instead focus on things I have control over, like my behaviour, and myself.

There are problems, and there are more problems.  Problems, however, don't have to stand in the way for happiness.  Hmmm, I wonder if it's apt to take the example of a young child (ala Slum Dog Millionaire) standing in the midst of a monstrous slum with his friends playing games and he is just as happy as the millionaire sailing on his million-dollar yacht.

Yup, I think this will have to be my thought-model from now.  I will need this when I continue cleaning round the house, and going through more of your things.  There's still a basket of your things on the shelf next to the CD, the basket I gave you to hold your ear plugs, keys, and pills and what not.

Also, I need to go to bed earlier...I know now why I have been sleeping so late.  I always sleep earlier whenever you stayed over because I know you'd get annoyed if I go to bed too late so I would always cut whatever I was doing shorter (shorter is the key word, not short) so I would sleep earlier.  Or even when you weren't staying over, our late night chats (of you telling me to sleep soon or that you were going to sleep soon) were a prompt for me to turn in sooner.

Ok, going to have breakfast now.  It's going to be a full day.  In fact, everyday is going to be a full day.

I look forward to look through our old photos on those shelves soon and scan some in for your family.

I love you, because you deserve to be loved.




Anonymous Ben said...

A bit too late now. Love the person like there is no tomorrow when they are alive. Not healthy holding on to memories indefinitely.

3:30 PM

Anonymous Carrie said...

She did. And she's not stopping there :) She's not late for anything. And it's okay holding on to memories. It's what keeps us going. Keeps us strong.

7:17 PM

Blogger Chels said...

I second what Carrie said. Janet's got so much Love to give. She always has. She's not late for anything. The past is what makes us who we are. Memories shape us and remind us of the good that the future can bring. So, It's good to hold on to memories. No harm in that.

7:37 PM

Blogger Sheahnee Iman Lee said...

I THIRD THAT! We can never know when someone's time is up... what matters is that we made good enough use of the time we had with that person to have memories worth holding on to!

And by the stories that Janet has shared, I am sure that she did just that!

8:06 PM

Blogger Peter Ong said...

To Ben...

You're a WANKER!!! I do hope someone else will tell you that it's a little too late when your loved one passes on too!
So go jerk off in a corner and piss off!!!

from Peter

"We should all love like there is no tomoro. We should also cherish all the loving memories we have with our loved ones, even after they have passed on. It's one thing to be in denial, something totally different and so much more beautiful when you can hold on to loving memories of a dear one..." from TP

8:31 PM

Anonymous nell said...

hello ben, some of us like janet are loved & respected enough to be given the time & space to heal. we are surrounded by loved ones, blessed with love, support, compassion & understanding, regardless of whether we want to hold on or let go. i am glad that janet's blog is an inspiration for you to love your loved ones like there is no tomorrow. sorry that you feel it's too late for yourself in your own unfortunate situations. hope you feel better soon, take care & learn to let go too. god bless.

11:12 PM


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