Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I This, Me that, Mine, My, I, Me, ya, Me...

Yesterday I had an uneasy realisation and discovery. I found out that I have become the sort of person I can't stand myself, the kind who talks n talks about herself half the time.

I came to know that that is me, in the eye of some close friends. Very quickly I passed the uneasiness of finding out I have that trait, it's like being told that you have body odour. For the next few hours I thought about what qualify a `conversation' as `talking about oneself all the time'.

What makes us like to talk? I am always sharing MY thoughts, My experiences, MY friends' stories, yes. That's it....

However after a chat with IW where she told me:

"most people's favorite topic is that's just human. Don't you think? I mean, most of your friends like to talk about themselves and what they know and people they know , right?"

I told her after I confirmed that ME and I are usually my own favourite topic, I gave some thought about my own friends, and including the friend who told me that; and what they talk about mainly, themselves.

I said to IW, "You are right. It's the same la."

IW: "I guess the person who told you that talks about herself most of the time. Well, it also depends on who does the listening."

So then, what is right and what is acceptable and what is being obnoxiously self-absorbed?

I decided that there is no answer to that because it's depended on who you are with and what kind of friends you have and what repulse them and what makes them tick.

And I, me, decide that

It is not wrong to share OUR thoughts, OUR experience, I mean, it's all I hear anyway, from others. It is not wrong to impart information (and useful gossip, yes there is such thing as useful gossip with friends that would do good in their humanity.

And I have pretty good judgement (judged by ME) about what is obnoxious, on a DAILY basis

telling people what I wore yesterday
telling people what I will be wearing tomorrow
telling people what my latest achievement in life is
telling people what cool & famous people I met last night
telling people what my boyfriend said yesterday
telling people what I bought last night
telling people what I ate last night

So...I shall talk, though I intend to talk less from here on.

And live and let live. You can be yourself for all I care, because I won't care about anything I don't like :)

In any case, if you have a sudden craving in reading blogs of people who love to blog only about themselves, drop me an email and I have a list to send you :)

Say, do you fancy to know what I'm reading now?



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