Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Just focus on your singing

This is my occupation: singer

What am I working on now and what is my next project: am working a brand new repertoire towards my next examination at the end of 2006 and before which I shall be doing a recital featuring my exam repertoire.

There, I have it now, in writing. By having it down in black and white may help setting the right mind to things. I won't have to hesitate with speech when asked what is my latest project the next time.

My man said to me time n time again, "Just focus on your singing."

It makes all the sense now.

With the mighty blessing of not having to put earning a living (rent, gas and food) as top priority but rather, singing (whether it's making money or not) as my foremost priority....I can only say that I shall be able to draw up quite a busy schedule for myself in pursuing excellence in my art.

Thank you to Cindy for checking that sleeping early and all that is part of `Focus-on-your-singing' project.

It's body and mind and soul.

Thank you to Cheng May for issuing a good check on whether I'm attempting to run before learning how to walk, it's all great thought needing my own answer, know my level.

While I find my way to the ultimate Diva way I shall keep my mind clear of unnecessary self doubts and other rubbish, I will remind myself and come back to read this entry.

Good night.



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