Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Car Wash

One month and 23 days into my new job as a booker. About eighty days since I last got my Sunny a wash, until last Thursday. My model wrote on my car (with the dust on wind-screen) - PLEASE WASH ME.

I also slept at 10.30pm that night, after spending about two hours on the road home after I found that car wash, after spending 9 hours at a show, 2 hours on the road. I managed to swim, and practiced my recital pieces and then hit the sack.

But that is one such achievement in see, (I don't mean to whine and I'm not whining) I haven't slept before midnight for over two months, I haven't switched on the TV for brain-time-out for ages, not that i'm complaining but i could really do with earlier bed time.

Also, I realised I have gone a lot tanner in the past two months, it's got to be the driving around town on the job. When I applied powder on my face before my recital on Saturday, i noticed the powder is now too fair for my skin (hahah) and I look kinda `burnt' on my face and arms (roti bakar). Guess it's time to stock up on white outfits before I start disappearing into the darkness.

When time is scarce, many things become precious and you don't take much for granted. ie. When I get to vacuum my apartment I love the floor I walk on; when I change my sheets. my skin tinkles with pleasure when I lie on the bed. I focus a lot better when I have less time to practise my fact I think my singing got better these days when I'm scooping every bit of time I have for singing.

Am getting used to receiving sms at any hour, mainly work stuff...and getting used to the climate at work, the models' weird habits, I love most people here, and learning to love more people. It's all part of the package, character building. Working next to the mall has may perks (shoe repair, paying bills, ATM, banking, grocery shopping...etc) and the down sides are far less than I thought, the worst being the traffic during shopping hours.

Have given up on heels and pencil skirts...miss them but can't see myself in them while I trot around back stage hurrying clothe-change and cueing models to get on stage. I don't know when I will get into my fave heels again, they are so new and they take up so much space in my shared show cabinet, I haven't worn some of them. That suede pastel purple platforms with diamante pins haven't the world outside its box yet...the Grace-Kelly-peep-toes are sitting under my desk and they are just sitting there.

Shoe party at my place, anyone??? I'm serious, let me know if you're a size 6.


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