Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Some kind of magic on an ordinary day

Determined to not go to bed in ungodly hours.  Today I reaped the rewards of the determination.  Woke up at 7am, looked at the sunrise from my window briefly and lied back down on the sheets.  Read articles on FB and stuff.  Feeling pleased that it's day two of me sleeping early, first time doing that since the start of the movement control order. 

Got out of bed before 8am, wiped down the whole kitchen top...all that grease from the night before.  Soaked all the kitchen rags in boiling water and soap.  Made my lemon water.  Went back to the room, made the bed.  Prep for my morning workout.  Selected a tough 45-min pilates tone and cardio from Pop Sugar Fitness videos.  

Every morning I am exercising through the new muscle sores and aches that I'm so happily building on.  The Groundhog Day-like days are finally grounding me in a way where I find more joy in  healthier routine. 

Eating more fruits than ever.
Daily exercise.
Time spent with parents.
Being patient with parents.

Did 20 minutes of ballet with Suhaili on instgram and decided the floors needed to be clean then.  

The meticulous vacuuming was very therapeutic.  Mopping the floors with great vigour with clorox was the best thing.

Washing my shower panels, scrubbing the wash basin...

All that, done before 1130am.  I was bewildered, wild with joy of my achievement.

Because I have been starting my days proper, after 10am everyday - for the past four weeks.  

Made BKT for lunch. 

Listened to mom talked about her incredible crying in the morning.  She seemed shocked by it herself.  She wasn't sure what triggered her crying; but she went to great length to describe what she saw in the mirror a few hours before lunch.  A man with blue pants and hair wrapped in white cloth in the mirror.  My theory for her vision is the laundry that she and dad hung in their living room, reflected in the wall mirror opposite where she sat.  

She is worried about being abandoned.  "Would you ever do that?  Leave me out on the streets?" 

I make a lot of jokes to her serious questions like that.  But maybe I should't joke anymore.  Maybe my silly light-hearted replies will lead her deeper into her weariness.

Managed to nap without a care on the sofa back in my place after lunch, and after the afternoon online forum/workshop with Winnie & Pearlly laoshi.

Watched two episodes of Unorthodox, continued to be really moved and cried in all the scenes with music.  By the time I finished the second episode, I had to head into the study and record a clip of Cavatina.  Two takes later and I have the recording I wanted.

In time, at 715pm to make a quick fried eggs with french beans for parents' dinner.  Went back to my study and started editing a video for this Cavatina.  

Made the video about Justin.  Used old photos of us, mostly photos of just him, and videos of Cher Siang playing the piano, and me singing the song. 

Very happy with the video.  Had to stop halfway to cry a little.  Looking at his face with such focus have this effect on me.  

Such a familiar image, him.  And yet so long ago, I cannot believe it is coming to ten years now, in a few months' time.

Ten.  Years. 



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