Runs on food and music, will sing for chips and pasta.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Philippe Gaulier's Neutral Mask and Greek Tragedy master class - day three (August 16th)

Day three, I have learned how to have fun in the workshop, and get comfortable with mistakes, judgements and observation, etc.  I think I am most probably hooked on this.

Some of the games we played today using the bodies and characters of:

Marlboro men
World class models
Dancing girls

The Greek tragedy storytellers always play well, in painting pain and tension to depict the story or a character, but never play the pain themselves, rather, they keep a distance between their role as a narrator and the characters in the story that they narrate.   They always uphold a high level of joy in their storytelling, though a tale of a tragedy.  Such is the key to captivate your audience - that you will have them come back for your storytelling for hours, day after day.

Neutral mask actors eye line level - high

Brownie for the day:

The regal Electra walking with music accompaniment.  The speech was decent, the quavering in my walk killed it.

Lines: "Was ever a sight so sweet as this?  Our father's blessing is on you."

Kick of the day: I was the text prompter for Jo K in her performance of The Death Of Hector.  Until she recovered the rest of the text herself and finished the performance with Philippe's instruction, with rousing and captivating quality.

The cow-mooing Samurais ended the workshop today.

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