It's a Wonderful life
See Ming was telling me a story over lunch last week about someone who got overly elated, over an expensive gift that she was getting from her boyfriend. That girl was thrilled and shared her happiness on the net...normal la, these days we are fed with information like that about our friends, over FB & Twitter (what they ate, where they went, who they're with, what they watched...).
We both rolled our eyes and said to each other, "...WE are definitely different kind of women, it's going to take a lot more than an expensive jewellery to please women like Us!"
Or a lot less, actually a lot less.
I received an sms from J's mom this morning, telling me that there's plenty of vegetarian bah-chang (rice-dumplings) in the house. I sent a text back to say I will go over to wallop those yummy savoury delicacies.
Then in the evening when he called on his way home (from Spore business trip), I happily announced that I will be stuffing my face with the dumplings, he told me he was the one who ordered the dumplings to the house. He found a shop that sell them a few weeks ago and bought us some and I love it.
He remembered it and ordered a bunch for me at his house. When I knew it was him who arranged for it I couldn't stop smiling for minutes.
Now that's something that will make me happy for days...weeks, to know someone loves you and arranges the simplest but most lovely things for you.
I thought I'd share this on my blog so I won't forget how happy and elated I am today, and how loved I am, truly loved and cared for by my man.
oh, did I tell you how YUMMY those vegetarian bah changs are...??? Crazy good. Lots of beans and wholesome goodness.
Am off, to stuff face now.
Labels: Justin, on romance, people, relationships
awww ... so sweet!!!
I'm getting a toothache!
2:34 PM
How true- it's the little things that people do for you or remember about what you like that is PRICELESS..
Lucky you!
11:37 PM
That is soooo beautiful! What a lovely thing to do :) It's those "little" things that really turn out to be the big things.
2:14 PM
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