So many people care...
Since TV Smith's first report on the tragic situation of the abandoned strays from Pulau Ketam on May 2, there have been a wave of action & happenings in the media, public, NGOs and the newly set-up rescue team.

The Three Little Bitches (Zal, Nicole and I) were added onto the rescue team as the secretariat on Monday, we set up a designated email account to communicate with the public. Literally within minutes after the secretariat contact details went live online at the rescue mission update site, calls and emails started coming in, ...yes, overwhelming rate.
It warm the cockles of my heart to see that in this human effort to help these sad abandoned dogs (at the risk of sounding extremely racist), whose tragic situation were placed by villagers from a Chinese village, we see so many Malays coming forward to give support.
Many of the earliest donors who contacted me thro the secretariat email & contacts, were Malay students and working people from all over, inside and outside of Malaysia. All of them saddened by the fate of these dogs and all wanting to make a difference by contacting us and offering their help, cash & time.
Compassion knows, and has no race...
A lady was crying (after seeing the pictures of the starving & dying dogs on the island) while she spoke to me on the phone, confirming the banking details so that she could make donation to the mission. Many offered help with labour & ground work to help at the Furry Friends Farm.
As TV Smith said on his report, there is no use in pointing fingers now about how this terrible case of discrimination happened, we ought to work together to put humanity & compassion back in place.
If you like to make a contribution, cash or in kind, please write to the Pulau Ketam Dog Rescue Mission secretariat.
Funds can be banked in or transferred to:
Furry Friends Farm account at CIMB 1457-000-1182-05-6
You can also transfer via PayPal to tvsmith@gmail.com
Please retain transaction record / slip for verification and audit purposes.
Furry Friends Farm account at CIMB 1457-000-1182-05-6
You can also transfer via PayPal to tvsmith@gmail.com
Please retain transaction record / slip for verification and audit purposes.
Update...the rescue team went back to the mangrove island this morning with hope to rescue more dogs, they managed to rescue the `poster pup' (see poster above). Do stay tune for more updates here.
Labels: animal rescue
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