thank you ladies :)
I have an inspiration tonight while watching two incredible ladies singing at the slightly smoky (than usual) No Black Tie.
Thank you ladies, Elvira Arul & Ida Mariana. Tonight you are the soul doctors in our hearts...and my inspiration every single time I watch you sing.
Ida & Elvira
Then Zal got dragged on stage to render her rendition of Summertime with them. By then it further reminds me of this idea that I have known but never really worked on.
So thank you ladies, for reminding me tonight :)
Zalina Lee

Ida has always reminded me about the uniqueness of all us, as a person and singer. Tonight I realised eventhough I remember what she said to me, I have never remember to work on using the Uniqueness of my OWN voice to create a voice pacakge that is my own....
Life is such for me... Am that lucky that from the start of my singing career, I have always been surrounded by very verycompetent and talented peers and seniors (mind you, seniors not by their age but by their work).
During my classical singing competition years, I was always just good enough to make to the final round. Always in awe with all the younger singers who have been training years before I even know what forte & pianissimo means. Sopranos who were still in their teens would sing their Juliette & Gilda arias to the back of the competition hall where I struggled with my Voi che sapete. (of course later on my teacher and I both agreed that I'm no mezzo...)
Then I went singing full time, boy, what an experience it has been. I mean the experience of meeting and seeing so MANY fabulous peers. I look around and hear a voice better than the next, their sounds all bold, brassy, deep, rich, rounded, husky....Haha, yes, I actually mean richer, bolder, huskier, deeper, rounder than my, I call it, the squeaky clean Chinese soprano vocal.
So...some of you, the smart ones (the likes of Ida & Cher Siang my pianist) will say, then use it! Just use it. Use the Chinese soprano vocals and make the best of it.
Yes, some voice types are more popular than others, but I think this world is big enough to accommodate all kinds of shapes, sounds and colors. I will remember this from now on and will hope to be reminded of this in future.
In the meantime, I just blackled "jazz singer + squeaky clean light voice" and will go out and buy some Bloosom Dearie CDs if I can find them in our local pathetic CD retail, then I will come home and find my voice...
Labels: arty breakthroughs, ideas, music, people
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