My plea to all

emailed this to my entire email address book earlier, here's to some of you not on my address book...
Dear friends, families, clients & colleagues,
Howdy :)
I am soliciting something to you thro this mass email (apologies) but No, there won't be any money involved in this solicitation so hold on to your wallets :) nor there is a political propaganda so hold your tongue ;p
Am sure many of you have noticed that I carry with me a funny (or scary to some) looking drinking bag with me wherever I go, it's a FDA (US Food & Drug Association) approved imported plastic bag for holding drinking liquids call Platypus. I have been using that drinking bag for more than a year now, and before I purchased that bag, I was carrying around large drinking bottle to keep myself hydrated.
I have chosen a lifestyle of having my own drinking bottle/bag around because I want to reduce my personal consumption of plastic products (bottled mineral water for a start). I also always carry in my various huge handbags a set of reusable utensil so I don't need to use another plastic spoon or fork at food courts or take out counters. In my handbag on most days, I have with me a foldable shopping bag so I don't have to take a plastic bag to hold my purchases over the cashiers.
Am sure all of you would have at some point have heard of all the busy talk about saving the earth, protect the planet, our environment, global warming, etc etc. I live a very busy schedule and am sure most of you do too, although I wish I have more resources and time to organise green movement on a grander scale, I figure at this rate, I will just do what I can manage at this point by doing my little part thro my everyday routine and small bits -- things everybody can do with just a little bit effort -- you know we cannot pretend that going green is ever easy but doing a small bit ISN'T HARD.
So I do my small bits in
- the few things I've already mentioned above, carry my own drinking water around, have my own shopping bag handy, use my own compact utensils.
- turning off lights when I leave a room
- switch off the air con when I don't need it
- turn off the tap when I'm brushing my teeth
- pack my take-out in my own Tupperware
- turn off my PC screen when I go out
- shop second hand :) cheap n good
Ok, that's enough granny story to illustrate my point quite simply? I heard this the other day over the radio just before the Earth Hour event, a guy from an NGO saying to the radio show host - "Frankly, the planet earth doesn't need any saving, the earth will heal itself if it is rid of modernisation& over-harvesting. Really, it is us, the human beings that need to be saved, from our destructive ways -- at this rate we are going, we will extinct pretty soon if we don't slow down -- so really, what we are doing in our green movement is to save ourselves from being swallowed in our own mess."
So I urge you, if you aren't already (I know some of you are already doing it) thinking about saving ourselves, please spend a few moments to ponder over. There is a bottomless amount of facts, reports and statistics about global warming, exhausting natural resources, etc etc...everywhere we look so I shan't attempt to paint the picture to you here, the picture isn't a pretty one but there is no reason to give up.
Now, specifically, I am urging all of us to REDUCE (not stop, just reduce) our consumption of Disposable plastic products, know what I mean.
I volunteer with a group set up by a few friends name The Recyclist, we have a grand project called the Project Daily Million -- we aim to collect one million Malaysian signatures, of people who are consciously thinking about saving and reducing the use of plastic bags (and sorts) AND do save a plastic bag a day -- hence, a million bags saved on daily basis: Project Daily Million.
Now, last but not least, if you agree to my notions above, please spend a minute by signing your name on The Reccylist & Project Daily Million site at:
(please note that this site is still being updated as we speak so please ignore the out-dated pledgers list, we have more than 105 pledgers today)
Details on our (The Recyclist) mission and objectives is on the site, Project Daily Million
please help yourself, we welcome feedback & ideas. Do check the site again in a week's time for our new look and updates.
Thank you for reading and for your time :)
Have a green day ahead...
Labels: green move
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