Hari Raya for dogs & cats
The Monday after...
What a fabulous Monday this has been :) Singing lesson at noon, watched Mama Mia with Zeqthy at tea time, shopped at Borders for hours and not having to rush to anywhere, and a leisurely dinner by myself (pesto pasta rocks!) and best of all, on my drive down to town the traffic was clear and the night air after a huge downpour was clean & cool.
and to top it all...
My man J was going to take me to some swanky hotel in town (to avoid having to battle the traffic) this Raya for a `sleep-in-holiday' to help me recover from my bad sleeping habits during the run of Parodies...
But we put off the idea after we checked the rates of the nice hotels (Ritz, etc) this week -- and considered the price tag of this little treat, and then thought of people and animals who need a treat more than me...
Basically, our guilt drove us off the hotel outing.

What a fabulous idea! Don't you agree that this is more meaningful than spending RM 460++ a night on a nice bed and a butler? We'll going to spread some love this Raya! It's Hari Raya for dogs!!
Anyone interested in joining us on the Raya For Dogs?

You can either go out for a few hours to feed the strays round your neighbourhoods, etc -- give them a special Raya Day treat, or you are welcome to join me and justin to go round n look for strays and take some photos of them.
What do you say?

I went to a friend's birthday gathering (Susheela's) last weekend. Susheela specifically reuqested that the guests didn't bring her any birthday presents but if they wish to give her something, they may give her cash donation or food provision to be given to the refugees staying in town (now that's another topic al together -- the hardship faced by refugees in Malaysia).
By late evening, Sushee's hall was filled with a small mountain of provisions given by her guests,
it was beautiful and very meaningful -- just an idea for your future bday parties -- what a wondeful idea!!! To celebrate your bday and at the same time raising funds/goods for those who are less fortunate and more needy.
Oh before I go, the books I bought @ Borders today, what a yummy-licious discovery on the Media & Art racks, happy happy!!

It's Vintage Darling by Christa Weil

Green Is The New Black by Tasmin Blanchard

on the green front, I realised I have never talked about The Recyclists here? I cant remember but I've been at it for many months now. I am part of The Recyclists.
Check these pages out!
The Recyclists Official site - Project Daily Million (Join our list as a pledger to reduce plastic usage)
Face Book group (all are welcome to join us there)
Our Blog
Labels: animal rescue, animals, green move, ideas
I'm doing something quite similar for my birthday. :-)
9:10 AM
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