Educating Chorus Girl
One pack of St Ives facial wipes, four pairs of panty hose and one pair of fish nets later, Pygmalion bumped out from the venue on Sunday.
After approximately 3500 bums on the seats of KLPAC Pentas 1, many heated debates on Kakiseni, we are drawing the last curtain call tomorrow.
I have gotten wiser with make up, at least I would like to think so; with time management - always start with foundation and some blusher before getting mic up, get fully dressed before doing the few touch ups before going on stage, do not waste your sound engineer's time by wondering what to say during sound check (duh)...
Things I learn:
If you want sleek n smooth hair, use a comb instead of hair brush.
Shut up when the director gives notes to cast, whatever, actually, just shut up when the director speaks...any kind of director, or stage manager.
Stage acting is more than just about being in characters, it's also about STAYING in your character the entire time when you are on stage, whether you have one line to deliver or zero.
If you have to stay in a pair of fishnets for hours in a performance, put a pair of panty-hose before the nets, it's magic.
If your lousy pencil eye-liner isn't gliding on your lids, wet the tip of the pencil and try again...tired? Then master liquid eye-liner.
Don't skimp on those lotion and moisturiser on your face, it help soothes your skin after the heavy make up and the make up remover later.
Watch your language in the dressing room, if you are in the presence of larger women, don't complain that you are fat, especially when you are actually under weight...(nope, I didn't do that)
If your costume consists of accessories like hats/caps and necklaces/chokers/corsages, stuff the smaller items into the hat when you hang up the clothes up, it saves trouble of looking for lost earrings, necklaces, ribbons...
St Ives, Clean n Clear wipes rock!!
The company parted with laughs and lots of silly snaps on camera...some emails staggered in with some endearing messages. Surprisingly this time I didn't suffer from any withdrawal syndrome, perhaps my bleak-or-bright future has something to do with it...well then, that's another story.
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