Letter one hundred and twenty - The days go on
Dearest J,
This is a really interesting time...if you let me indulge a little (you had always indulged me) in recounting the days and the years of this life of mine.
Two years and over since the long goodbye.
I moved into Viva in February 2010, those fabulous nine months of togetherness here in this gorgeous space of friendship, romance, and music.
You loved spending time here, it's so quiet and peaceful, you said. Though the crazy roads are right under our windows with all the buzz in this city, it was quiet and peaceful for you because there was just me, and you. Sometimes it was just you and your friends and the single malt in the hall, many nights there were just you and your beer at the pub downstairs. And so many nights of just you and I and conversations in this space.
When you left I took in Thursday, on Nov 18th, 2010, from Peter & TP. It was a `try-out' at first, to see if I could live with her and her furry existence. Very very quickly we made our co-habitation work. I grew to really really love her. My mom still think she is you in other form...quiet like you (still no meowing from her unless she is really really upset), her white fur coat like your staple white teeshirts, her favourite spot to sit - on your leather reclining chair.
December 7th, 2010 we added another housemate - Ah Lian senior. An all-girl troupe down here in the increasingly hip place to live. The baker downstairs now has a big group of cult following, of very chic, eclectic, cultured, tasteful people. There are musicians, singers, actors, designers among others in the building...in fact this place is so incredibly inclusive and international we also boast tenancy of a group of very very scantily clad ladies who go out to work in the evening, speak dialects that I don't understand.
I have been making use of this space for various meetings and rehearsals. Thursday adds to the flat of this air of homeliness and quirkiness.

A busy busy place, for two busy busy ladies, and the feline who doesn't have any playmate. She spends a lot time looking out from the window to the earthlings below..
I've always wish I could get inside of her head and see what's going in there. I want to know if she is lonely.
Finally, after more than a year of half being the only cat here..she was faced with Clara, incredibly friendly and younger than her - whom I brought home after much much deliberation. I want to provide a playmate for Thursday.
I didn't work, Thursday was very very upset. I was too untrained for the work required to put in to make the meeting work. I sent Clara back to Peter's the morning after I put Thursday through hell over the Clara episode.

Back to being alone, Thursday remains the young white queen in this white castle, a tall castle all the way up here...cool and breezy.
October 6th, 2012. Ah Lian moved to her new studio in the morning. She said she came to my flat with just 6 big bags of clothing and belongings. In a year and ten months, her stuff grew to about two car-full. I drove to her new pad with my car full of her clothes and some bags. She now has a new queen size bed in the new pad, and her very own Unifi internet.
My parents came to stay for three days, in the now vacant guest room. My dad mopped the floor to kill time during the stay, as usual. The floor was incredibly clean, result of having been mopped twice a day by him.
Thursday watching a rehearsal in session
October 9th, my parents went home to Taiping...left me with very very clean floors and kitchen.
Now I am truly, really alone, at last. In our home. Without you, without Ah Lian, without parents doing the weekend stay over. Just Thursday, and me.
Still, there are reminders of you all over, even after two years and beyond. Your single malt collection looks over the hall from the high book shelves, your spare helmet is right next to the collection...your books. Your biking boots still sit inside a bag under a chair in my study. Your torn and very worn black denim jacket hangs inside my wardrobe next to my short dresses...that blue jeans of yours hangs inside our bedroom behind the door since middle of 2010.
Yet they are clean. Sumathi comes in every week to take care of my need for a clean flat. She cleans the whole place, yet your stuff stay where they are.
I am very excited about this brand new chapter, this truly, truly alone living space. I will embrace it and love it and treasure it, care for it and yes, I will miss you a lot still. I will make new friends, I will travel and read, and cook more (hopefully), I will even try to flirt more.
Just want to tell you about these.
Alone, but very loved, and missing you,
Labels: diary n happenings, Justin, lifestyle
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